Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day (a week and a half late)

PawPaw came over to our house to visit his two little Valentines. They were both super excited to get to spend a few hours with him.

Macie was very excited about her first Valentine's Day. (or maybe she was laughing because she had just made a massive dirty diaper)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cabin Fever

After weeks and weeks of cold weather, cabin fever has taken over. Kaelin is sooooo bored. She is in need of sunshine, her swing set, and swimming. The first two are within our grasps, but the final need will have to wait a few more months.

In an effort to find a project to occupy her, we decided to make our own crayons out of old broken crayons. We put the crayons in a heart shaped mold.

This was our final product. It took us about an hour from start to finish. Now... we are off to find more things to fill up the remaining hours of the day.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snow Day (ICE Day)

A few weeks ago, the weathermen got us all hyped up with anticipation of a snow day. Our schools closed down with the assurance that we would definitely wake up to a nice white morning.

So, we all went to bed and slept in the lightest sleep because we kept getting up to look out the window.... no white stuff yet... still no white stuff.

So, morning comes and this is what we wake up to....

This is a table on our back porch. Covered with ice.

We had a few icicles hanging from our cabana (Kaelin ate most of the icicles)

By the end of the day, we were blessed with a beautiful sunset that made the ice on the trees glow. It truly was a pretty site.

Then we return to work on Monday, just to find out that we have to make up our "snow day". BOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another bday party

We spend nearly every weekend doing a little birthday party hopping. On the days that I feel a little overwhelmed or rushed, I have to take a step back and remind myself that it won't always be like this. I will miss all of this one day (when Todd and I are sitting in our rocking chairs chewing on our dentures talking about the weather).

Happy Birthday Carson (cute picture minus the closed eyes)

Although our schedule is nothing less than crazy, I kind of think we must subconciously like it that way.

This is how Macie spent the entire birthday party (yes... she was looking adorable, but no one could really see since she was sleeping the entire time).

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I can do it all by myself

Time is flying... Macie has started holding her own bottle. Next thing you know, she will be driving a car. This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago (I am a little behind, as always), she has actually gotten a lot better. She picks up her own pacifier and holds her own bottle. Now if I could just get her to change her own diaper.

Friday, February 18, 2011

still new

Kaelin would prefer to stay like this all day (Macie... not so much)

Three months old and the new has still not worn off (and yes... both of the girls are in still in Christmas pajamas.)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

my little runner

Our little runner completed her longest and best race ever a couple of weekends ago. We signed her up for a Kids 3K (about 2 miles). She was super excited. I had to fudge a little bit on her birthday because she was suppose to be 5 in order to run the race. (Oops..)

Todd ran the race with her and she did awesome. She ran the entire thing... no stopping (even for water).

Never too busy to wave at a camera

Once you see the finish line... you take off like a rocket.

We are so proud of Kaelin. She has some DETERMINATION driving her. She gets something in her mind and just does it, no matter how big the task might be.

Yes... my 4 year old (5 year old if you ask the race officials) runs a faster, better, more consistent mile than I do and I could not be more proud.

Kaelin's race was the day before the Houston Marathon. So, on marathon morning, these were her words of wisdom "Mommy, just start out slow, look for the open spots, then when you come around the corner and see the finish line, take off like a rocket". Evidently her advice worked, because I finished my race (not with a great pace, but finishing is enough).

Friday, February 4, 2011

The protector and the evil one

Yes, I know this sounds like a title to a comic book. And as humorous as my life is most of the time, we could probably write our own comic book.

But, I am referring to our two dogs (Britni and Moe).

Britni is the protector of Macie and Moe is the evil one. In fact, I have been so tempted to take him for a long drive to a new home. But, I haven't done it yet.

Moe is a little (a lot) jealous of Macie. He refuses to look at her. When she is around, he purposefully sit with his back to her. I think he thinks if he does not look at her, she must not exist.

Moe will pee on the trash can where I put Macie's diapers. It is the strangest thing. He has never peed on that trash can until I started putting her diapers in there.

He will pee on her clean and dirty laundry. Again... very bizarre that he knows it is hers and not ours.

He will jump up on the bed and lay on top of her as if she were not even there.

I have come home (on more than one occasion) and found that he has gotten into my breast pump bag and chewed up different pieces. So (on more than one occasion) I have had to go buy (pretty expensive) replacement pieces.

So... you can see why he is one step away from a long car ride.

Britni on the other hand is very sweet to Macie, she goes and lays beside her, not on her. She will just sit on the floor near Macie's swing, the walker, or if Macie is on the couch. Britni is always in the vicinity of Macie. I guess she has stepped up the job of "protector" from Moe.

It is semi-humorous how the two dogs have reacted to a new person in the house. But let me just RE-EMPHASIZE that I don't find the peeing humorous in any way, shape, form, or fashion.

So, if I all the sudden quit referring to Moe in blog posts, don't ask me what happened.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Now this is funny...

Kaelin is a VERY funny kid. I think part of it comes from being a deep thinker.

She got in my car the other day and began telling me a story about playing on the trampoline. She said she was on there and then just bounced off.

She said "Mom, I bounced off of the trampoline and fell and hit my fivehead."

I questioned "Your fivehead?"

She said "Yes, my fivehead, you know the place right above your forehead".

I was nearly in tears when she finished the story. It was just way too funny.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

sweetest thing ever

I have bragged and bragged about what a great big sister Kaelin is. She just continues to amaze me at the unconditional love that she possesses for Macie. (I am hoping Macie will return the love one day).

I overheard Kaelin talking in the back seat of my car yesterday. Kaelin found some dried flowers (weeds) she had left in my car last week. She picked them up and began making wishes and blowing on the flower. Her wish was "Dear God can you always keep Macie in my heart". My heart just melted. That was just the sweetest thing and it was truly a heartfelt request from her.

I have also overheard her saying "Night Night" prayers and there is always a special request for Macie. Macie is never far from her thoughts.

I just LOVE it. I could not have ever asked or dreamed of a better big sister.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy 3 month Macie

WOW... 3 months... 1/4 of a year

Time is flying by. I joked with someone at work the other day by saying Macie would be driving a car next month. But, I don't think I was really joking. That time will be here before I can blink my eyes. I have already seen it happen with Kaelin. I am amazed at how fast Kaelin is growing up and how smart she is.

This picture just cracks me up. Macie looks like her eyes are about to jump out of her head. She does not always look like this, but when she gets surprised or is very interested in watching something, she can make her eyes pretty big.

A little about Macie:

She is still wearing a size 1 diaper, but that will probably change in the next month or so.

Acid reflux does not keep her down. She has some great medicine that has really helped. There are days that we just can't keep her full. She is growing fast now that she is felling better.

She is wearing 3 month clothes, but size 6 month are already in the closet because it will be any day now when those are the only thing that fit.

She laughs and smiles constantly. The crazier face that you make at her, the harder she laughs.

Kaelin and I laugh because Macie is like a little whoopie cushion. That girl has some gas. We immediately look at Todd because how could such a cute, sweet little baby make such a manly sound. But, it is her. As Kaelin says "she is a gas machine".

Macie still loves her paci, but she has recently discovered her thumb and that is her new best friend. It is so cute, but I will have to break her of that habit. I definitely don't want a thumb sucking baby... leads to bad teeth... too many germs on her little hands... and not a habit you want to have to break when they are older.

Macie wants to be able to sit up so bad. When she is sitting in her swing or boppy pillow, she works so hard to sit up. She is going to have some rock hard abs if she keeps that up (maybe I need to take lessons from her).

Big Sister is still absolutely crazy about her little sister.