Yes, I know this sounds like a title to a comic book. And as humorous as my life is most of the time, we could probably write our own comic book.
But, I am referring to our two dogs (Britni and Moe).
Britni is the protector of Macie and Moe is the evil one. In fact, I have been so tempted to take him for a long drive to a new home. But, I haven't done it yet.
Moe is a little (a lot) jealous of Macie. He refuses to look at her. When she is around, he purposefully sit with his back to her. I think he thinks if he does not look at her, she must not exist.
Moe will pee on the trash can where I put Macie's diapers. It is the strangest thing. He has never peed on that trash can until I started putting her diapers in there.
He will pee on her clean and dirty laundry. Again... very bizarre that he knows it is hers and not ours.
He will jump up on the bed and lay on top of her as if she were not even there.
I have come home (on more than one occasion) and found that he has gotten into my breast pump bag and chewed up different pieces. So (on more than one occasion) I have had to go buy (pretty expensive) replacement pieces.
So... you can see why he is one step away from a long car ride.

Britni on the other hand is very sweet to Macie, she goes and lays beside her, not on her. She will just sit on the floor near Macie's swing, the walker, or if Macie is on the couch. Britni is always in the vicinity of Macie. I guess she has stepped up the job of "protector" from Moe.
It is semi-humorous how the two dogs have reacted to a new person in the house. But let me just RE-EMPHASIZE that I don't find the peeing humorous in any way, shape, form, or fashion.
So, if I all the sudden quit referring to Moe in blog posts, don't ask me what happened.