(celebrated on 5-22, posted on 6-13... better late than never)
Happy 7 months old Macie...
You are such a true joy. You make our family complete.
What are you doing these days???
You absolutely love to be outside. Being inside makes you a little (a lot) cranky. We can put you in the jogging stroller and go for a run, put you in your jeep and let you roll around the back porch, or just carry you outside and you become the happiest baby.
You love to eat. Your favorite is probably mangos, although, you tolerate carrots, squash, green beans, and zucchini. We are adding new foods every day. I make all of your baby food, so it is funny to watch your reaction to the different foods. Sometimes you scrunch up your face and start making gagging sounds. It is EXTREMELY funny. I am taking it that you don't like my cooking.
You are a "Mommy's Girl". You will be fine with whatever you are doing, until you see me. When you see me, you begin acting like you have been mistreated or have some type of excruciating injury that needs my immediate attention. So, I go over, pick you up, and INSTANTLY you stop crying.
You are still a cat napper (which means 20 minutes here, 30 minutes there). Unfortunately, this trend is followed at night as well. You do fine until about 1:30, then we spend about 2 hours cat napping, then when it is time for me to finally get up, you get into a deep, peaceful sleep. GRRR...
You LOVE your sister. I don't mean like, I mean LOVE. You can hear your sister's voice and you instantly light up. You begin laughing and looking around to see if you can find her. This makes my heart so happy.

Happy Birthday Macie. Notice... she is staying a little further back from the fire than she did at her 6 month birthday.

She looks like she is concentrating on those cupcakes