Sunday, July 31, 2011

Running and Playing

Summer days are made for outdoors. That is the reason the sun stays up longer. (Ignore the blazing heat and 200% humidity).

We spent some time at a park in Corsicana. I ran, Macie rode in the jogging stroller and Kaelin rode her bike (then got side tracked once we got to the play area).

Merry Go Round...

And Around... (I am dizzy from just taking pictures)

A normal day in the jogging stroller for Macie (5 minutes into a run and she is OUT)

I really wish I could spend every day with my girls- doing the things that are memorable and fun. I don't like not having summers off, but everything will work out in God's time. I am greatful to have a good job that pays well, so I am really not complaining- just wishing.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Finally a fish

Finally after 4 years of swimming lessons (multiple times during the summer), Kaelin decided she would swim with her face in the water. This was a huge accomplishment. Kaelin has known the fundamentals of swimming for a couple of years, but we could not convince her that she could do it on her own. Now she knows.

We are so proud of her...

And she is so proud of herself...

Take a look at that big grin on her face. She knows she is doing good.

This is her diving and touching the bottom of the pool. (This is HUGE... I did not think we would ever get her to do this)

Swim Kaelin...

Kaelin and "Swimming" Mrs. Mary

There was just no stopping her once she decided to swim.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cook Off Time

One of our exciting summer adventures involved the Crosby Bar-B-Que cookoff. This was a great way to kick off summer time. This event precedes the Crosby livestock show and rodeo. It was fun to be a part of this event.

Todd was on a cooking team with some of our friends. They cooked chicken, brisket, ribs, fajitas,margaritas, and a dessert. (There is probably something I am leaving out)

They did great... Didn't win first but placed in all categories. The food was great and getting to hang out with friends was even better.

Kaelin loved it. She felt like she was really part of something special. She kept trying to help with everything.

Kaelin and Carson hanging out after a trip to the carnival (I am sure that blowup wand cost me about thirty dollars :( )

This was the setup... we did a tropical theme (leftover decor from Kaelin's birthday party)

Aunt Debbie and Uncle Truman came out to eat some food and take Macie home (It was about 100 degrees, so Macie was not really liking it too much--- seeing as she can't even eat the food)

Part of the secret recipe... don't look too closely or I might give it away

Another exciting aspect of the weekend involved getting to watch a parade (Crosby has a parade for EVERYTHING). We were a little late for the parade, so we thought we would just stand near the end, which turned out to be the best spot EVER... all of the floats had left over candy, so rather than throwing a piece or two to the kids, they just threw the entire bag. The kids ended up with about 10 pounds of candy (which equates to about 1000 dollars in dental bills).

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Race for the Pennant (or at least a win)

On Memorial day, we ran in a race. It was the Astro's Race for the Pennant 5K and kids 1K. I think the pennant is far fetched these days. We can't even get a win, much less a pennant.

This is prior to Kaelin's race. I am not really sure what she is doing, but I laughed at this picture because it looks as though she is trying to push down this column- which she very well may be attempting to do that.

Macie is eating a blanket or something. She just hung out in the stroller and watched all of the excitement.

Kaelin was decked out in her red, white, and blue clothes... She was ready to run her race.

Todd (after the 5K) and Kaelin (after the 1K). We were all very hot, sweaty, red faced, stinky, etc.

The crazy Hicks (that thought that running on an extremely humid and 95+degree morning, was a good idea).

Kaelin and Craig Biggio

Catch the ball Kaelin...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Favorite Kids

These are three of my favorite people. They will be friends forever.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Macie's Baby Dedication

We recently had Macie's baby dedication at church. I intended on doing this when she was about 3 months old so she could wear the same dress Kaelin wore. Time slipped by way to quickly this past Spring, before I knew it, Summer was here and there was just no way Macie was going to be able to squeeze into that tiny dress.

Pawpaw and his two girls

Papa, Trip, Kaelin, and Mamaw

Macie's baby dedication...

Too much excitement for Trip...

and Macie...

and Kaelin...

Yes, all of the kids fell asleep in church. Maybe I should invite our preacher to our house in the evenings. I could really use some help in getting my kids to go to sleep.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The big birthday

In the midst of the camera cleaning the other day, I forgot one of the most important events of the year. I forgot to post about Kaelin's big 5 year old birthday party.

We started the year intending on having a rock star themed party. As the year progressed, summer got closer, and the weather got hotter, Kaelin changed her mind. She decided she wanted another water party. (Great idea since the temperature on the day of her party was in the upper 90's).

She had a flip flop themed party. We rented the giant water slide (again). I felt like I just recycled her party from last year, but I guess she really liked her party last year since she wanted the same thing again.

Her super cute flip flop cake (I know everyone wants to know if I made this cute cake... absolutely NOT... nor could I have done something this creative and cute as well as delicious)

This was the candy bar. Rather than making cloned goody bags, I started doing candy bars at all of our parties. The kids love it because they get to pick out what they want and only get things they like. Along with the candy bar goody bag, we also gave every child a pair of flip flops (since it was a flip flop themed party). The flip flops were the hard part. I had to call all of the moms for shoe sizes and then make some random guesses on some. Then... I held off on buying them until Old Navy had their 5 flip flops for $5 sale. The day of the sale, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Truman, and I all made multiple trips into various Old Navy stores until we had a total of over 40 pairs of flip flops. But after it was over, it was all worth it because the kids loved them as well as the parents. They were actually useful goody bags rather than a bag full of junk that would be in the trash before the weekend was over.

Kaelin and Trip

These were the centerpiece's for each of the tables. This was Kaelin's little picnic table that we gave her for her birthday.

Kaelin and Hope

Make a wish... I know it will come true

Present time... The heat was in full force by this time, so we were trying to rush her through presents as fast as we could.

What a great birthday...


You are an absolutely amazing girl. You are very witty (not sure where that comes from:). You are extremely caring and just want to make everyone happy. You are surrounded by great friends that you treasure. You are a social butterfly and never meet a stranger (I have to keep an extra careful eye on you because of this). I can't believe 5 years have already gone by. My life is forever changed because of you. I love you with all of my heart.



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 8th month birthday, Macie

On June 22, we celebrated Macie's 8th month birthday. She is growing up so fast. I can't believe she will be one in 4 months. Where has the time gone???

She is doing fun things right now. She loves to mimic your noises. If you say "hi", she says "hi". If you yell AHHH, she yells AHHH. It is so cute.

Her favorite thing to do is make motorboat noises. You can look at her and make a motorboat noise and once she gets started, she might continue making a motorboat noise for an hour or so.

She is all over the place. If I am sitting on the couch or floor, she is crawling all over me like a jungle gym. She stands holding onto things like a table or her baby walker. She will be walking soon (or at least she hopes she is walking soon). She is desperately seeking some freedom.

She still sleeps horrible (nothing like Kaelin). Macie will sleep until about 2:30 AM, then she wants up, then she goes back to sleep until about 6 or 7. Then she might go back to sleep if you give her a bottle and then lay her back down. Needless to say, I feel like a jack in the box. I think I have mastered sleep walking because there are nights that I don't really even remember getting up in the middle of the night, but I know I did.

Macie is attached to my hip, if I walk out of her sight, she will yell so loud that you come running into the room thinking she must be hurt. Once she sees me, the screaming stops. Can we say SPOILED???

She is so in love with her sister. Macie could just sit and watch Kaelin for hours. She laughs if Kaelin laughs. Macie won't even know what Kaelin is laughing at, she just laughs because her sister is laughing. It is cute (and Kaelin LOVES it).

Happy 8 month birthday Macie... we love you.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Softball Champs

I was cleaning out my camera the other day and I stumbled across a bunch of pictures that I thought I had posted, but evidently forgot (story of my life).

Kaelin's softball team did AWESOME this year. They got 1st place (and a HUGE trophy). Kaelin definitely improved this season. I think she even liked playing. Now, don't get me wrong, any flowers in the outfield definitely did not go unnoticed or untouched. But she really got the hang of hitting the ball and trying to get the other team out. SHE DID GREAT!!!!

Waiting on her name to be called so she can get her super big trophy (sitting in the dirt in her new white shorts...GRRR)

Dad trying to clean up her new white shorts

Coach Brian, Kaelin (holding her super cool trophy), and Coach Rob

Team photo- Way to Go AFTERSHOCKS!!!

Do you think she might be a little bit proud of her trophy????

One proud Daddy with his sweet little girl.