In the midst of the camera cleaning the other day, I forgot one of the most important events of the year. I forgot to post about Kaelin's big 5 year old birthday party.
We started the year intending on having a rock star themed party. As the year progressed, summer got closer, and the weather got hotter, Kaelin changed her mind. She decided she wanted another water party. (Great idea since the temperature on the day of her party was in the upper 90's).
She had a flip flop themed party. We rented the giant water slide (again). I felt like I just recycled her party from last year, but I guess she really liked her party last year since she wanted the same thing again.

Her super cute flip flop cake (I know everyone wants to know if I made this cute cake... absolutely NOT... nor could I have done something this creative and cute as well as delicious)

This was the candy bar. Rather than making cloned goody bags, I started doing candy bars at all of our parties. The kids love it because they get to pick out what they want and only get things they like. Along with the candy bar goody bag, we also gave every child a pair of flip flops (since it was a flip flop themed party). The flip flops were the hard part. I had to call all of the moms for shoe sizes and then make some random guesses on some. Then... I held off on buying them until Old Navy had their 5 flip flops for $5 sale. The day of the sale, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Truman, and I all made multiple trips into various Old Navy stores until we had a total of over 40 pairs of flip flops. But after it was over, it was all worth it because the kids loved them as well as the parents. They were actually useful goody bags rather than a bag full of junk that would be in the trash before the weekend was over.

Kaelin and Trip

These were the centerpiece's for each of the tables. This was Kaelin's little picnic table that we gave her for her birthday.

Kaelin and Hope

Make a wish... I know it will come true

Present time... The heat was in full force by this time, so we were trying to rush her through presents as fast as we could.

What a great birthday...
You are an absolutely amazing girl. You are very witty (not sure where that comes from:). You are extremely caring and just want to make everyone happy. You are surrounded by great friends that you treasure. You are a social butterfly and never meet a stranger (I have to keep an extra careful eye on you because of this). I can't believe 5 years have already gone by. My life is forever changed because of you. I love you with all of my heart.