Thursday, October 8, 2009

What do you pray for?

Kaelin LOVES to pray. I mean, really loves it. She has been praying at the dinner table for close to two years now. She will sometime "elect" someone else to pray when she is feeling a little off her game. But other than those few times, dinner prayers are for her. In fact, she got upset when our preacher Tommy prayed at a dinner we were at. She looked at me and said "I was suppose to do that." Too cute...

Kaelin has begun saying, what she refers to as "Night Night Prayers". These are quite funny. Kaelin prayers for anything that comes to mind. In fact, sometimes, she even waits for God's response, then laughs about it. So, I know he talks to her and whatever he says makes her giggle. These are some of the things she has prayed for lately. They made me laugh because I usually forget to ask God for the small things, but not Kaelin. She leaves nothing out.

She always prays for anyone that is not feeling well or has some type of injury. She does not forget a thing. It surprises me sometimes about the things she remembers. She is very compassionate and caring (which will play a huge part in our Christmas celebration plan... more details to come).

The other day she asked God to "please let Mommy and me be able to go shopping every month". Can I get an AMEN?

She prayed that her friend Laney would play nice with everyone.

She prayed that no monsters would be at Laney's house.

She prayed that all of the kids in her class would not run around the room after their teacher asked them to sit down. (Good prayer. This one is applicable all the way through high school.)

Last night she prayed that God would make the baby swings at the park bigger for the big kids to play on. (Too funny. I guess this was just on her mind.)

I always say prayers with Kaelin and last night, she reminded me "Mom, you did not pray for me to make good choices." She was right, I had neglected this very important part of my prayer. I guess Kaelin is paying attention. Hopefully she is remembering my prayer every time she is having to make a choice. Anyone that knows me knows that I preach good choices to Kaelin, the dogs, Todd (when he needs it). I am all about good choices, so I thought it was too funny that she picked up on me leaving that out. Hopefully that prayer is being answered and she always makes good choices.

These are just a few of the funny things Kaelin has prayed about lately.

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