Friday, December 4, 2009

Let It Snow!!! Let It Snow!!!

Oh, I am so spoiled... this is two years in a row that we have gotten snow around Christmas time. This really helps put me in the Christmas spirit. Kaelin is convinced that we live in an area that is accustomed to seeing snow. I don't have the heart to break it to her that this is not normal (although two years in a row is pretty awesome).

From now on, the years with no snow just mean we have to go to Colorado and see snow. I am definitely game for that.

Today was awesome, it was snowing by 8:30 AM. I got off work by noon. (Now, why couldn't every most days be like this?)

I think this might be our Christmas card. (No, I am not organized enough to have that little project taken care of yet)

This was definitely a day that you are affirmed of God's presence. This world does not get much prettier than today.

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