Crosby is one of the only towns that I know of that literally shuts down the entire town for a parade.
They will have a parade for anything.
When I say they shut down the town, that is exactly what I mean. They close down the busiest road in the town and you better hope there are NO emergencies, because all of the emergency response vehicles are in the parade. Wal-mart trips will have to be put on hold until the parade has cleared.
It is truly one of the funniest things I have seen and we LOVE it.

All emergencies must wait... We are having a parade.

Some of the baseball teams really went all out on their floats (Mega money was spent). This was one of the teams "The Pirates", riding in a super cool pirate ship.

Did you hear us... No emergencies... we are in a parade.

Another pirate ship...

The Rangers built a jail and had their coaches held hostage.

This is our team from last year. The boys from Kaelin's mini tee-ball team are now all on a team called the Astro's. (Yes... that is really Junction Jack from the Astro's)

This is Kaelin's team "The Aftershocks". Kaelin's team did not go all out with the decorations on their float. (which was actually fine with me because I did not have much time to devote to helping). When we pulled up to put her on the float, she looked back and me and said "Mom, that is not very fancy is it?" She was right, but I told her to just let it go and go get in the float.

This was Macie's first (but not last) parade. She slept through most of it, then Aunt Debbie held her for the rest of it.