Friday, April 15, 2011

Opening Day

Take me out to the ball game... Take me out to the crowd... Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks (or a Frito Pie and Snow Cone)....

We are knee deep into Tee-Ball season. This is a very exciting year for Kaelin (and us). She is on an ALL GIRLS softball team. She was so excited about being old enough to join the girls team (because they get to wear pink and visors).

She is on a team called Aftershock. They are really good, which was pretty frightening for us seeing how Kaelin would prefer to pick flowers and do cart wheels.

Our team colors are Navy Blue, White, and PINK... Yeah for pink!!! The girls also have team bows. Now that is where I got excited. Pink and Bows... I can totally speak that language.

We had opening day ceremonies, followed by a game (long day for mom and Macie- Todd was out of town).

Little show off

Go Aftershock!!!!

Kaelin warming up... look at that form- she is definitely improving. That is her flower picking arm holding a softball.

No opening day game is complete with out having your hair spray painted. The colored hair makes you play better (per Kaelin).

Definitely looking "softball ready"- No flower picking (maybe because there were no flowers out there)

Run Kaelin...

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