Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy 6 month birthday Macie

I start this just like I start every blog post lately... This happened a few weeks ago (but at least we are not celebrating 7 months before I even got around to posting 6 months).

Wow... 6 months. Time is flying quicker than I would like. I can't believe 6 months have come and gone.

Macie had a great 6 month check up.

She weighed 17 pounds (50 percentile in weight)

She was 22 3/4 inches long (50 percentile in height)

I had one of those MOTY (mom of the year) moments while celebrating Macie's 6 month birthday.

We were at a Mexican food restaurant, so there were witnesses to my MOTY moment. Plus my camera was having some flash issues, so the pictures turned out a little on the dark side. Macie was staring down the pretty cupcakes.

The temptation was just too overwhelming. She got a handful of cupcake (which included the fire from the candle). I think it scared her more than anything, but she still proceeded to let everyone in the restaurant know that she was not happy with whole ordeal. She screamed, screamed, screamed, and when we thought she could not scream any harder or louder, she surprised us with a whole new octave of screaming.

Mental Note: Keep fire and cupcakes just out of baby's reach.

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