Saturday, January 21, 2012

Good Morning 1 year old

This was what I went into the morning of my babies 1st birthday. She still has hair equivalent to a wild chicken.

What a year....

We battled a couple of different illnesses (thrush, RSV, etc.) I am not wanting to rush her childhood, but I can honestly say I am glad to put this year behind us from a health standpoint. It was exhausting....

However, I am missing the little baby. She is now such a big girl.

As a one year old... she is crawling... standing... but was not walking on her first birthday. (She began walking about 1 week after she turned one).

She is wearing a size 12 month in clothes.

She is still deeply attached to her binkie.

She says Mama, Dada, Moe Moe (the dog), bye bye, Ninin (Kaelin), and probably a few more words.

Macie can only be described as a live wire. She is a free spirit. She prefers NO SHOES, NO BOWS (yes... I am a little devastated). She pulls her socks off and if you don't have pants or shorts on her, she will pull her diaper off too.

She is definitely a little stinker, but I would NEVER trade for anything in the world. She is perfect in every way.

Her sister is deeply in love with her. I am not sure Kaelin could even imagine life without a Macie in it. This makes my heart so happy.

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