I got there right as they were finishing up her tooth so Todd could get to work and I could take Kaelin to Chick-fil-A for a milkshake.
This took procedure was the worst of the two teeth. This one was equivalent to a root canal- YUCK! This was also the last thing (thank goodness) that she has to have done. This took had a cavity that had gotten out of control, so they went in to deaden the took, fill it, and basically it becomes a space holder until her big girl tooth comes in (around the age of 12).
This procedure was a little longer than the last one, so Kaelin spent more time with the Nitros gas. She was still a little (lot) loopy when we left. In this picture, she is just spinning around in circles in the dentis office- why.... who knows?
She was such a great patient that she got two tokens to spend in the little toy vending machines. She chose two bouncy balls. She is showing off the bouncy balls as well as her pink nose that she had to wear while on the nitros. They let her take her nose home since this was her last procedure.
After all was said and done, we headed to my office to pick up my bag that I needed for a meeting, then we were off to Chick-Fil-A for the milkshake. She was starving by this time, so she just sucked that milkshake down while the feeling came back to her mouth. Then she plowed through her nugget meal. So, you can see that she is perfectly fine by now.