These are some of our recent treasures.

Todd is obsessed with old rocking chairs. He stumbled across this one last Saturday night at the auction. He won it for $60. We are not real sure where it is going to go in our house. We are just flat running out of room- time for a bigger house.

This was probably my favorite thing that we bought. It is a gumball/candy machine. We bought it for $22.50. We have to have a locksmith either re-key it or make us some keys to open it. I also want to find out how to disable the $.25 feature. I don't want to pay a quarter every time one of us wants to get some candy. I think this is going to be lots of fun at our Christmas party or birthday parties. I like to set up candy bars for the kids so (their parents can spend as much money at the dentist as I do) the kids can pick out their favorite kinds rather than being given stuff they don't like.

My second favorite thing. We bought a coffee pot and cappuccino/espresso/latte machine. I bought the combo for $15. The cappuccino/espresso/latte machine has never been used- after reading the directions, I can see why. However, we are going to try it out. The coffee pot is going to need a new carafe because the lid is missing from this one and coffee goes everywhere without the lid.

Kaelin's favorite purchase (probably Todd's favorite as well). We bought this motorized Hummer for Kaelin for $45. It runs great and has not been used much. Kaelin already has a Jeep, now she will have a Hummer as well.
Kaelin's other big purchase. She saw this box of horses and just had to have them. She is a big horse lover- so we knew this would be a much loved purchase for $7.50. In fact, one of the horses got in trouble yesterday and had to spend a quite some time in time-out. I think Kaelin said the horse was not playing nice with the other horses. She does have quite an imagination.

This is one of Todd's purchases. I said WTH (what the heck). But Todd has some profound use for this large pulley. For $12.50, I hope he actually uses this for something.

These two mirrors are from an auction visit a couple of weeks ago. We bought the pair for about $25.00. They were a hideous gold and red color. I re-painted them with a base coat, then painted them an oil finished bronze color. They are going to go in our two small bathrooms in place of the mirrors currently there.

This is another purchase from a couple of weeks ago. It is a huge mirror that was a pewter color (that was flaking off). So, I stained it with a walnut stain and plan on using it in my living room. This purchase cost us about $30.00.
So if you are ever around town on a Saturday night, we will be happy to share our wonderful auction with you. You really never know what you will stumble across. We bought Kaelin's antique wrought iron bed there, a holiday Barbie doll, hedge clippers, etc.
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