Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Little Ladies Tea Party

The other day, Kaelin was invited to a "Little Ladies Tea Party". This is sooooo up Kaelin's alley. She got to dress up in her "dress up" clothes (that she wears in public any chance she gets).

This is before we left the house. She was bouncing off the wall because she was so excited about her tea party.

Laney and Kaelin- the party was at Laney's house. Laney is definitely one of Kaelin's best friends. She just loves Laney. These two can come up with some trouble in a hurry.

Tara- Laney's mom. She even dressed up for the tea party. She read the girls 2 books before they went to the table for tea and snacks.

All of the little ladies... they all had such a blast.

The tea party- Laney and Kaelin cheesing for the camera.

Kaelin- right before we left the tea party for a 2 1/2 hour nap. She had stripped off the headband, necklaces, shoes, gloves and was extremely tired (but not too tired to give me a sassy pose).

These are the days we will cherish for the rest of our lives. Great memories... great friends... and the best little girl in the entire world.

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