Monday, February 22, 2010

102 ... oh no... what to do???

I woke up Saturday morning with a sore throat and sinus pressure that made me feel like my head was going to just pop right off. (luckily it didn't)

Sunday, no better, in fact... maybe worse.

Kaelin rode home from church with Aunt Debbie, so when she got home, she felt warm.

Was it from jumping around and acting like a wild animal????

I could only hope for that, I went upstairs and took her temperature... 100.5.

Gave her Tylenol and laid her down to take a nap.

Woke up from the nap with 101.1. Oh... dear... this is not looking good. Gave her more Tylenol.

Took her temperature before bed. 98.6... Perfect.... we have kicked this (so I thought).

1:00 AM... "Mommy I am thirsty"... so I get her some water.

2:30 AM... "Mommy I need to go potty"... so she goes and I notice she is a little warm. Took her temperature... 102.1...Things are definitely not looking good. More Tylenol.

2:40 AM... "Mommy I am thirsty again"... so her Dad gets her some water.

6:00 AM... Wow I am running late, but don't want to get out of bed. The alarm has been going off, with me hitting the snooze, for over an hour

6:15 AM... Wow I am even running later than I was 15 minutes ago, but I don't want to get out of bed.

6:30 AM... Now this is serious... I have got to drag my self out of bed. So, I finally am able to convince myself that "sleep is for the weak" and I AM NOT WEAK... no matter how rotten I feel. I feel Kaelin's head and realize there is really no reason to even take her temperature because it is not going to be pretty.

6:45 AM... Todd calls into work because I have several presentations to do today. Is it wrong of me to contemplate leaving a checklist of house chores that I would like done today in between feeding Kaelin Tylenol? I did not leave a list, but can easily spout one off if he were to ask what he could do around the house.

9:00 AM... Rather than working, I am typing blog posts wishing I was at home in my nice warm bed... oh well.

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