Tuesday, February 2, 2010

If I only had a brain...

I definitely feel like the Scare Crow on the Wizard of Oz.

Everyone goes through phases where they feel totally scatter-brained. (at least I hope I am not the only one)

Here are two great examples of "Where was my brain on that day?"

First, in mid January, Todd, Uncle Truman, and I all ran in the Houston Marathon. We always get a hotel room the night before so we don't have to get up extra early and so we will have a place to shower once it is over. The night prior to the race, I laid out all of my running gear:

Running pants... check
Running shirt... check
Long sleeve shirt to wear under my running shirt (because it was COLD)... check
Race number pinned to running shirt... check
Super cool headband... check
Ribbons and rubber bands for pig tails... check
Running watch... check
Spi Belt (modern day fanny pack) to put phone and money in (just in case)... check
Ipod... check
Sports Bra... check
Running socks... check
Running shoes................................

I seriously left my running shoes at home. What was I thinking??? I could have done without most of the things on my list, but not shoes. Those are not even something you can borrow from someone. Going to buy new ones is just not an option on the night before a race.... you never run in brand new shoes.

So, Todd and I got in the truck rushed back home so I could get my shoes. Then we rushed back to Houston. Luckily I did not make this discovery the morning of the race. I am not sure what I would have done.

In case you don't run, I will put it into perspective:
  • Like going fishing but you left your fishing pole at home
  • Like going to a beach and forgetting your bathing suit (not a big deal if it is a nude beach, but you won't catch me at one of those!!!)
  • Like going hunting, having a gun, but no ammunition
  • Like being the catcher on the baseball team and forgetting your cup (not a wise move)
  • Like going to a concert or sporting event and forgetting the tickets (can relate to this one too)
Second, today I went and ran with my friend Lisa before work. We try to do this 2 mornings a week. I go over to her house at 6:00 AM, we run, then I shower and get ready for work. So, I always pack my bag the night before.

This morning, we went for a run. When we got back, I got my bag out, laid out all of my work clothes and at that moment, I realized what I had forgotten (besides my brain). I had no bra. How do you remedy this situation??? I pulled out my sports bra and there was just NO WAY that was going to work. It was dripping with sweat. Borrowing one from Lisa was not going to work due to size differences.


I did what any good hippie would do... I went braless. (not a good idea).

By lunch time, I was in need of some confinement and a little uplifting, so I headed to Wal-mart to get a new bra.

My only theory is I am secretly turning into a child of the 70's. I am trying to go shoeless and braless.

Hopefully my brain will make a reappearance sometime soon. If you stumble across it, just kick over to the curb and leave me a trail of breadcrumbs to follow.

1 comment:

kmuel said...

hahaha, don't you just love those wonderful moments :P