Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow... you are not wanted around here

Waiting around the house for a white day (again)
Wishing the sun would keep it at bay.

Around this house we are tired of the snow
We welcome the sun, so snow you must go.

We are ready to jump in the pool
around here we think a tan is cool.

We chose to live near the coast
when you live up north you are white as a ghost.

Jackets, sweaters, gloves, and hats
you have lost your place in my closet, so take that.

We are ready for bathing suits, shorts, and the beach
but this snow is keeping those out of reach.

Global warming... my rear
please tell me summer is near.

All of this snowy weather makes us gloomy
all we want is to see our pretty flowers bloomy (not a real word, but rhymes with gloomy)

Snow angels have completely lost their charm
we are impatiently waiting for it to get warm.

So don't take this as being full of sass
but the only place we want ice is in a glass.

Monday, February 22, 2010

102 ... oh no... what to do???

I woke up Saturday morning with a sore throat and sinus pressure that made me feel like my head was going to just pop right off. (luckily it didn't)

Sunday, no better, in fact... maybe worse.

Kaelin rode home from church with Aunt Debbie, so when she got home, she felt warm.

Was it from jumping around and acting like a wild animal????

I could only hope for that, I went upstairs and took her temperature... 100.5.

Gave her Tylenol and laid her down to take a nap.

Woke up from the nap with 101.1. Oh... dear... this is not looking good. Gave her more Tylenol.

Took her temperature before bed. 98.6... Perfect.... we have kicked this (so I thought).

1:00 AM... "Mommy I am thirsty"... so I get her some water.

2:30 AM... "Mommy I need to go potty"... so she goes and I notice she is a little warm. Took her temperature... 102.1...Things are definitely not looking good. More Tylenol.

2:40 AM... "Mommy I am thirsty again"... so her Dad gets her some water.

6:00 AM... Wow I am running late, but don't want to get out of bed. The alarm has been going off, with me hitting the snooze, for over an hour

6:15 AM... Wow I am even running later than I was 15 minutes ago, but I don't want to get out of bed.

6:30 AM... Now this is serious... I have got to drag my self out of bed. So, I finally am able to convince myself that "sleep is for the weak" and I AM NOT WEAK... no matter how rotten I feel. I feel Kaelin's head and realize there is really no reason to even take her temperature because it is not going to be pretty.

6:45 AM... Todd calls into work because I have several presentations to do today. Is it wrong of me to contemplate leaving a checklist of house chores that I would like done today in between feeding Kaelin Tylenol? I did not leave a list, but can easily spout one off if he were to ask what he could do around the house.

9:00 AM... Rather than working, I am typing blog posts wishing I was at home in my nice warm bed... oh well.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The New School

Kaelin is just loving her new school. She has made some new friends, but still misses her friends from her old school. Last Friday, she had a field trip to a gym. They learned some gymnastics tricks and played.

With her being so close, I can now attend most of her field trips. I was able to run over there during lunch, take her to the gym, run through McDonalds to replenish any of those calories she might have burned in the gym, drop her back off, and then return to work. I only had to extend my lunch break by one hour.

So, to sum it up...

God is good. He opened the door to this new school and the transition has been painless. In fact, it has been great for Kaelin and great for me. Thank you for answered prayers.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy 81st Birthday

This is a little late, but that seems to be my common theme lately.

Last week, Papa turned 81!!!! Happy Belated Birthday Papa.

We went to eat dinner with Papa for his birthday. Look at him, he is 81 and Mamaw is 59 (again).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

If I only had a brain...

I definitely feel like the Scare Crow on the Wizard of Oz.

Everyone goes through phases where they feel totally scatter-brained. (at least I hope I am not the only one)

Here are two great examples of "Where was my brain on that day?"

First, in mid January, Todd, Uncle Truman, and I all ran in the Houston Marathon. We always get a hotel room the night before so we don't have to get up extra early and so we will have a place to shower once it is over. The night prior to the race, I laid out all of my running gear:

Running pants... check
Running shirt... check
Long sleeve shirt to wear under my running shirt (because it was COLD)... check
Race number pinned to running shirt... check
Super cool headband... check
Ribbons and rubber bands for pig tails... check
Running watch... check
Spi Belt (modern day fanny pack) to put phone and money in (just in case)... check
Ipod... check
Sports Bra... check
Running socks... check
Running shoes................................

I seriously left my running shoes at home. What was I thinking??? I could have done without most of the things on my list, but not shoes. Those are not even something you can borrow from someone. Going to buy new ones is just not an option on the night before a race.... you never run in brand new shoes.

So, Todd and I got in the truck rushed back home so I could get my shoes. Then we rushed back to Houston. Luckily I did not make this discovery the morning of the race. I am not sure what I would have done.

In case you don't run, I will put it into perspective:
  • Like going fishing but you left your fishing pole at home
  • Like going to a beach and forgetting your bathing suit (not a big deal if it is a nude beach, but you won't catch me at one of those!!!)
  • Like going hunting, having a gun, but no ammunition
  • Like being the catcher on the baseball team and forgetting your cup (not a wise move)
  • Like going to a concert or sporting event and forgetting the tickets (can relate to this one too)
Second, today I went and ran with my friend Lisa before work. We try to do this 2 mornings a week. I go over to her house at 6:00 AM, we run, then I shower and get ready for work. So, I always pack my bag the night before.

This morning, we went for a run. When we got back, I got my bag out, laid out all of my work clothes and at that moment, I realized what I had forgotten (besides my brain). I had no bra. How do you remedy this situation??? I pulled out my sports bra and there was just NO WAY that was going to work. It was dripping with sweat. Borrowing one from Lisa was not going to work due to size differences.


I did what any good hippie would do... I went braless. (not a good idea).

By lunch time, I was in need of some confinement and a little uplifting, so I headed to Wal-mart to get a new bra.

My only theory is I am secretly turning into a child of the 70's. I am trying to go shoeless and braless.

Hopefully my brain will make a reappearance sometime soon. If you stumble across it, just kick over to the curb and leave me a trail of breadcrumbs to follow.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dear Lord, keep me weak, fragile and frail

Weak –adjective, -er, -est.
1.not strong; liable to yield, break, or collapse under pressure or strain;
2.lacking in bodily strength or healthy vigor

Fragile –adjective
1.easily broken, shattered, or damaged; delicate; brittle; frail: a fragile ceramic container; a very fragile alliance.
2.vulnerably delicate, as in appearance:

Frail -adjective, -er, est.
1.easily broken or destroyed; fragile.

This is not my typical post. There is nothing funny, humorous, or enlightening about this. I have been thinking of a way to put into words something that words can't really do justice to.

Many of you already follow the Dunnam's story. If you don't, I highly recommend it. But with fair warning of the valley this family is currently enduring. www.emmadunnam.blogspot.com . My heart absolutely breaks everytime I open their blog and find a new post. I take a moment before reading to mentally prepare myself for what I know will not be good news. I can not imagine (nor do I want to) what they are going through.

The brief story... They have a little girl (Kaelin's age) that was diagnosed with Batten's disease at 18 months old. This is such an awful disease. They have gone to church with us forever and Christy worked with me at Sterling.

Where they are now... holding onto their little baby girl knowing her days are very numbered. She will probably not make it through the rest of the week (but we thought that last week also). God has big plans for her because she is still here with us.

As a parent, this would be my absolute worst nightmare. The Dunnam's are so strong. They have 3 other children. Their oldest daughter has strength that most adults will never experience. The parents are held up purely by the strength of God.

So, I started thinking about strength the other day when someone said "I would love to have a tenth of their strength."

Well, I can honestly say that I don't want any of their strength. I pray to be weak, fragile and frail. You don't get that kind of strength by accident. God only gives that kind of strength to those who need it and I hope I NEVER need it. I want to remain weak (not strong; liable to yield, break, or collapse under pressure or strain), fragile (easily broken, shattered, or damaged; delicate; brittle; frail: a fragile ceramic container; a very fragile alliance), and frail (easily broken or destroyed). Someone with these attributes could not endure what they are going through (at least those are my thoughts).

The weak, fragile, frail person in me realizes:
1) Emma should be in Kaelin's Sunday school class, but she isn't.
2) The parents should not have to be clinging onto every breath their baby takes wondering if there will be another one to come
3) The other children are experiencing heartache at such a young age
4) There are no words to adequately express my deep sorrow to the parents... really, what can you say or do you just not say anything

Although I realize God is with them during every step and every breath and without him they would not be able to hold up as they endure this journey. My heart breaks for them because they are going through what most of will never go through (and for this I am very thankful).

So, as you find yourself sitting around, take a minute to pray for their family and sweet little Emma. They defintely need it. I will spend my time praying for them and thanking God for not making me strong.