Saturday, January 30, 2010

New/Not-so-new Bed

In early January, we bought Kaelin a new bed. I had great intentions to post something about her bed. Then... back to work... crazy schedule.... dinner... laundry... pack lunches... find sleep sometime during all of this. So, I thought I just would not post anything about this because it was kind of "old news".

But... it has become "new news" again.

Briefly... the "old news"... we have a local auction that is just too much fun (for folks that don't have anything to do on a Saturday night from 6 pm to about 10 pm--- this is us). I had redone Kaelin's room back in the summer but had some difficulty with her bed (her is the history on that catastrophe). Kaelin and I immediately fell in love with an antique iron bed at the auction (by buying this new bed, I no longer had to worry about trying to refinish her other bed for the 3rd time). So we bought the bed. It looks great. Kaelin loveED it. (the ED is important)

The "new news"

Now, this is the new part that makes it okay to tie in month old news. Kaelin has decided she would rather sleep in our bed, so she has for the last week and a half. I am so tired of being crowded out of my own bed, so her new bed is about to be my new bed if something doesn't give. No, she is not scared (unless that is the only excuse that will work on us). She is a snuggler and that is just really the bottom line. She will snuggle you all night if you don't push her off. So, I really think that is reason for the relocation.

The New Plan

(It is not really new and it doesn't really work). I will just put her to bed in her own bed, read night-night stories in there, and then she will just go to sleep in her own room (HA HA HA... even I am laughing at that).

So, I will let her fall asleep in my bed and then carry her to her room so I can finally get a full nights sleep (works better... but if she wakes up, she is right back in my bed).

Last resort... I will just sleep in her bed and see how it goes. (Probably no better than the other plans. )

Saving Grace... we will eventually not be as "cool" as we are now and she will beg to not sleep in my bed.

Until then, I will either sleep in the new bed (if I am in desperate need of sleep) or enjoy the snuggling days that I know are limited.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Rodeo Time

"Cowboys and Cowgirls... it is time for the annual Humble Rodeo Pageant."

We hear those words and Kaelin immediately breaks out last years boots (a size and a half too small), last years jeans (now highwaters or if you are trying to be fashionable you just call them capri pants), and her tiara (which is a permanent fixture on her cowgirl hat).

Now... you know I would never let her wear something like that to a pageant (but her dad probably would).

*** The absolutely adorable outfit was made by my extremely talented friend Judy.***

Kaelin should definitely do something that involves having an audience and a stage, when she grows up. The child does not have a shy bone in her entire body. The larger the crowd, the more dramatic she becomes.--- it is just too funny---

So... did she win????

She got 2nd place. She was so proud of her trophy.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Look who got a new door...

We had an exciting night.

I got this bright idea to buy our dogs a new doggy door to replace the old one. The flap on the old one had gotten yucky (for lack of a better word). So, I go to Home Depot with no measurements. (I was thinking I would just recognize the size of doggy door we already had, but I should have known better.)

So, I get the doggy door home. Todd thinks it looks like the same size also. So, he takes the original one out. He has some issues removing the old one and has to break some of the screws to get it out. But, he got it out and low and behold, the new one does not fit.

So we are stuck with two options.

Option A: Go buy another new doggy door

Option B: Cut a bigger hole in the door

I voted for Option B. Todd voted for Option A. So, he decided to run to Lowe's and get a different door.

Meanwhile, there is a big gaping hole in the door and we really have no option but to fix it somehow (or go all redneck and put a piece of plywood over it).

After spending nearly an hour at Lowe's, he returns to go with Option B. Lowe's did not have anything that was the same size either.

Out come the power tools and Todd begins cutting the existing hole about an inch wider. He begins cutting and cutting and cutting. Then the kitchen fills with an awful burning smell and a bunch of smoke from the blade cutting into the wood.

Then the smoke alarms decide to chime in. I get some papers and start fanning the smoke alarms. But as soon as I stop, the alarms go off again. After about 30 minutes of this, my arms felt like they were going to fall completely off.

By this time, Kaelin is crying because the noise is ridiculous, the smell is nauseating, and the house is around 50 degrees because the doors are open.

My uncle gets the vacuum cleaner out and begins sucking up the smoke to try to get the alarms to quit.

We end up with a fan sucking air out the front door, the canister vacuum sucking air in the kitchen, me on a stool fanning the smoke alarms, Todd cutting the door (still), my aunt on the couch with Kaelin crying (still), and the dogs running around like they were about to eat a steak dinner.

Meanwhile, the neighbors are peering through their windows as this freakshow takes place. (True story... they were having a security system installed in their house today... I can't blame them... we must have looked totally insane.)

WOW... I am exhausted, but the dogs have a new door.

The things we will do for our pets...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Let's hear it for the boys...

Last night the Cowboys were playing the Eagles in the playoffs and we were ready for the occasion. We invited our neighbors and Aunt Debbie and Uncle Truman over for the game.

When our neighbors asked Kaelin who was going to win tonight, her response was "Romo". That was too funny.

Our neighbors 7 month old little girl is already a Cowboys fan. She watched nearly the entire game.

After the game, Todd was beat. I guess all the screaming just wore him out.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hello Static Electricity

Because it is late (or 8:30 PM) and my husband is reminding me of what a hard time I have had getting up the last two mornings, I will make this short.... but sweet.

During our Christmas break, we spent a few days at the farm and the static electricity was running about as wild as the goats.

This is just too funny...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Oh... what a big girl

Why do all my posts start out with... "I am sorry it has been so long..."--- sign that we are just too busy or that I have been playing games on the computer rather than posting on the blog.

Either way... sorry.

Kaelin has been begging for us to take her to get her ears pierced. Some of her friends wear "real" earrings and she wanted to wear them too. (Thanks parents... the peer pressure has already begun... why couldn't you have waited until your child was like 10 or 15 or 21.)

So, after Christmas, (on another trip to the Galleria) I took Kaelin to get her ears pierced. I tried to explain to her that it was like getting a shot at the doctor. She HATES shots, but even that did not discourage her.

Yeah... I am about to get my ears pierced because peer pressure now affects 3 year olds or the idea of hanging beautiful sparkly diamonds from my ears is already appealing. Look how excited I am....

One ear down... the excitement is dwindling.

Holy moly... spicy guacamole... that hurts and thank goodness I don't have three ears because only two of them would be pierced.

Ear Piercing update...

It has been almost a week since the ear piercing and we have had NO problems (knock on wood). Kaelin takes great care of her earrings. She even reminds me to put the antiseptic on her ears. She is loving them and makes sure everyone sees the new bling bling hanging from her ears.