Sunday, January 3, 2010

Oh... what a big girl

Why do all my posts start out with... "I am sorry it has been so long..."--- sign that we are just too busy or that I have been playing games on the computer rather than posting on the blog.

Either way... sorry.

Kaelin has been begging for us to take her to get her ears pierced. Some of her friends wear "real" earrings and she wanted to wear them too. (Thanks parents... the peer pressure has already begun... why couldn't you have waited until your child was like 10 or 15 or 21.)

So, after Christmas, (on another trip to the Galleria) I took Kaelin to get her ears pierced. I tried to explain to her that it was like getting a shot at the doctor. She HATES shots, but even that did not discourage her.

Yeah... I am about to get my ears pierced because peer pressure now affects 3 year olds or the idea of hanging beautiful sparkly diamonds from my ears is already appealing. Look how excited I am....

One ear down... the excitement is dwindling.

Holy moly... spicy guacamole... that hurts and thank goodness I don't have three ears because only two of them would be pierced.

Ear Piercing update...

It has been almost a week since the ear piercing and we have had NO problems (knock on wood). Kaelin takes great care of her earrings. She even reminds me to put the antiseptic on her ears. She is loving them and makes sure everyone sees the new bling bling hanging from her ears.

1 comment:

kmuel said...

awww, she just wanted some extra sparkle mom, you can't blame her for that.