Monday, March 1, 2010

Update on Kaelin

Kaelin is doing great. Fever is gone and she is back 110%.

Last week, Todd stayed home with her on Monday and Wednesday. I stayed home on Tuesday. She went to Lisa's Thursday and by Friday she was back to school but still tired.

At this time last week, she was hitting temperatures that were nearly 104. We thought she had the same little virus that some of her friends had, but she was declining quickly. Her fever kept getting higher, she kept thinking she was going to throw up. She went two days with eating NOTHING (I don't think I have ever done that).

Finally, last Wednesday, we ended up at the doctor's office. He initially said, "Well it is probably a virus that will just have to run its course, we are seeing a lot of those these days". But luckily he was listening to us and said the only thing that was concerning to him was that her stomach was bother her so much. He order a urine test.

The Urine Test...
Who would have thought going to the bathroom in a little cup would turn out to be so traumatic. Kaelin is still talking about the time she went tee tee in a little cup. The nurse bribed her with ice cream. We gave her water. Finally it took her dad talking to her on the phone and letting her know she needed to do what the doctor was asking.

Low and behold.... all of the sudden she had to go to the bathroom and she went in the little cup.

The Results...
Kaelin had a kidney infection. The doctor did not know what caused it and nothing else seemed out of check. But she will still go back in 10 days for a follow up visit. She started taking the antibiotic and in about a day and a half, the fever began dropping and her energy began rising. She got her appetite back over the weekend.

Now she is more than 110%. Feeling great, talking constantly, eating normally, and being incredibly sassy.

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