Saturday, February 12, 2011

my little runner

Our little runner completed her longest and best race ever a couple of weekends ago. We signed her up for a Kids 3K (about 2 miles). She was super excited. I had to fudge a little bit on her birthday because she was suppose to be 5 in order to run the race. (Oops..)

Todd ran the race with her and she did awesome. She ran the entire thing... no stopping (even for water).

Never too busy to wave at a camera

Once you see the finish line... you take off like a rocket.

We are so proud of Kaelin. She has some DETERMINATION driving her. She gets something in her mind and just does it, no matter how big the task might be.

Yes... my 4 year old (5 year old if you ask the race officials) runs a faster, better, more consistent mile than I do and I could not be more proud.

Kaelin's race was the day before the Houston Marathon. So, on marathon morning, these were her words of wisdom "Mommy, just start out slow, look for the open spots, then when you come around the corner and see the finish line, take off like a rocket". Evidently her advice worked, because I finished my race (not with a great pace, but finishing is enough).

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