Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy 3 month Macie

WOW... 3 months... 1/4 of a year

Time is flying by. I joked with someone at work the other day by saying Macie would be driving a car next month. But, I don't think I was really joking. That time will be here before I can blink my eyes. I have already seen it happen with Kaelin. I am amazed at how fast Kaelin is growing up and how smart she is.

This picture just cracks me up. Macie looks like her eyes are about to jump out of her head. She does not always look like this, but when she gets surprised or is very interested in watching something, she can make her eyes pretty big.

A little about Macie:

She is still wearing a size 1 diaper, but that will probably change in the next month or so.

Acid reflux does not keep her down. She has some great medicine that has really helped. There are days that we just can't keep her full. She is growing fast now that she is felling better.

She is wearing 3 month clothes, but size 6 month are already in the closet because it will be any day now when those are the only thing that fit.

She laughs and smiles constantly. The crazier face that you make at her, the harder she laughs.

Kaelin and I laugh because Macie is like a little whoopie cushion. That girl has some gas. We immediately look at Todd because how could such a cute, sweet little baby make such a manly sound. But, it is her. As Kaelin says "she is a gas machine".

Macie still loves her paci, but she has recently discovered her thumb and that is her new best friend. It is so cute, but I will have to break her of that habit. I definitely don't want a thumb sucking baby... leads to bad teeth... too many germs on her little hands... and not a habit you want to have to break when they are older.

Macie wants to be able to sit up so bad. When she is sitting in her swing or boppy pillow, she works so hard to sit up. She is going to have some rock hard abs if she keeps that up (maybe I need to take lessons from her).

Big Sister is still absolutely crazy about her little sister.

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