Sunday, April 3, 2011

A new toy

Despite Macie being able to drive her jeep, she can also rock out in her Baby Einstein jumper. Her feet finally touch the ground, so she can get it bouncing pretty good.

I made the mistake of trying to feed her while she was sitting in it the other day. This did not work out in my favor. Every time I would move the spoon towards her mouth, she would start jumping. By the time I gave up, she has cereal in her nose, cheek, hair, ear (yes...I said ear). It was pretty much a disaster.

Macie can turn her around and play with the toys or turn the other direction and play the music. She knows how to hit the keys to get different songs to play. She just cracks up laughing when she really gets the jumper bouncing and the music playing. It is really cute.

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