Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Easter Eggs

I am in the process of becoming a better blogger in regards to timely posts. So, I am cleaning out the camera and giving everyone an update. My blog is going to serve as a memory book for my babies, so I don't want to leave out these events just because I could not get them posted in a timely fashion.

Punctuality should probably be my New Year's Resolution next year, but I will probably still be late at everything I do. This has not always been my norm, but juggling crazy schedules and two kids has caused me to become this new predominantly late person.

NOT that I like it... but... it is what it is.

Back to the post...

We got to spend Easter playing on the farm in Corsicana.

The Easter egg dying station (notice we are outside in the shop). Even I know when something is a mess just waiting to happen (and it did).

The super star of egg dying. Kaelin is very adamant about her egg dying process. You must have a certain number of pink eggs. Yes, the blues and greens are pretty, but pink is the Easter bunnies favorite. (I am not sure how she knew this)

You can guess how this will turn out... A 6 month old with an Easter egg...

Daddy and his girls

This was the Easter egg that Todd was painting in the previous picture. Not to rag on his artistic skills, but this was suppose to be a horse. I told him it looked like a wild hog. You have to give him credit for attempting to be a part of the egg dying process.

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