Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy 5th birthday

My baby is turning 5 today. I truly don't know where 5 years have gone. It scares me to think about how quickly 5 years can pass, because now I know that another 5 years will come and go before I realize it.

Born May 16, 2006 at 9:00 PM. Weighing a whopping 7 pounds and being 18 inches long.

5 years ago, by entire world was turned upside down--- and I would never want it any other way

I really can't sum up my love for you, Kaelin. You are more that I ever dreamed of in a child. You have an amazing spirit about you. You can make me happier and madder than anyone on this planet.

Turning One...

You have the most giving spirit. You are more interested in making others happy than you are about being happy yourself. You would give the shirt off of your back if someone needed it. You are always looking for ways to make everyone smile. I love that about you. That is truly your gift. You are very intuitive. You can tell when people are happy, sad, etc. Your compassion is so strong. Most grown ups will never experience the compassion that you already possess. You are very independent, sometimes more that we would like.

Turning the terrific two's were all about finding independence... which we accomplished to perfection.

The twirling three's brought us so much fun and excitement

The funky fours... wow... that was a fun and challenging year. That was a year of testing the limits (and my patience). We survived it and are continuing to find the boundaries and just how far you can go with things. I loved this year and would never trade it for the world.

You are a lover of horses, your sister, and your family. Everyday, you put a smile on my face. Today you bring tears to my eyes as I think about how quickly these days go by.

What will the fabulous five's have in store for us...

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