Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Hawaiian Roller Coaster

A few weeks ago, Kaelin had her dance recital. As you can tell by the pictures, she was SUPER excited. She was in jazz this year. Jazz is definitely up her alley. She was movin' and groovin' to the funky songs.

This was her pose that she came up with all by herself. She is such a HAM. Kaelin slept in sponge rollers so she would have "super curly" hair. I think we succeeded. Her hair stayed curly all day.

She danced to "The Hawaiian Roller Coaster"- which I have never heard before in my entire life, but it is not a bad song.

Kaelin doing a little hula dance for us. Makes me want to go to Hawaii.

Sword fighting with her roses (I think getting roses are her favorite parts of the recital).

Bye Bye recital... we will see you next year

Kaelin did such a fabulous job. I am so proud of her. She was paying attention and really doing the dance this year.

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