Monday, April 5, 2010

Dying Easter Eggs

Kaelin and I had a blast with the Easter egg dye this year. She really got the hang of it.

We had five different dyes. Of course, she totally understood what the pink dye was for, but did not really get why we needed those other four.

The Set Up (notice the missing eggs... three did not survive the boil)

After dying the Easter eggs, Kaelin put Hello Kitty and funny face stickers on them. This seemed easier than trying to do one of those kits, like the glitter or tie dyed eggs. Although those are super cute on the box, my experience has shown they are lots of work and never look like the picture.

(But... I must say... I am now not a fan of the sticker kits either) They give you flat stickers to put on curved eggs, so the stickers just get wrinkles in them and look junky. So, I don't know what is in store for next year. I am beginning to run out of options.

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