Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hicks Party of 3...

is about to become a party of 4.

So, if you are asking yourself... WHAT... WHEN...

Those are the exact questions I asked myself.

So, this is a run down...

The Big Sister is so ecstatic. Her only problem is "why is the baby not here yet" (wow, this is going to be a long summer if she is already asking this)

The baby is due at the end of October.


1. Was this planned?
Yes, but not by Todd and I. God always has plans that trump what we had in mind. (plus I would have NEVER planned to be pregnant all through the summer)

2. What did Kaelin say?
She was so excited and then said "Mom, now we can get the double grocery cart at HEB" (seriously... I think she is more excited about the grocery cart than the baby)

3. Do we want a girl or boy?
We want a healthy baby (translation... please be a girl)

4. Am I sick?
Of work... Of putting on clothes that don't fit... Of needing a nap every five minutes, but other than that... no sickness

5. When did we find out?
About two weeks ago (for you mathematicians... I was 9 1/2 weeks pregnant when we found out)

6. What about running?
What about it???? I ran in a 1/2 marathon this weekend and have a 3.5 mile race in May. After that, I will probably slow it down a little bit. I would have slowed down pregnant or not due to the summer heat.

7. Cravings?
No, but I pretend I crave cookies and ice cream. It is just an excuse to eat them for breakfast.

8. How will you tolerate the summer heat?
I have no idea, but I am thinking ice cream and a swimming pool will be a good start.


Amanda said...

CONGRATS!!! That is such exciting news! Praying for a healthy baby for you (and that you can still use tutu's and bows!!!)

Living in a Hick Town said...

Thanks so much. I have you in my prayers for a healthy baby boy and for Abby Grace to stay healthy (even in the name of beauty).