Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Dentist

We finally took Kaelin to the dentist.

She had been begging to go to the dentist (yes, I thought this was odd too). Kaelin loves to talk to the doctors. She is such a great patient. Everytime we take her to the doctor, dentist, etc, the doctors always comment on how great she is because most kids just cry the entire time they are in there. Not Kaelin, she is too busy talking to the doctors to even have time to think about crying.

After we left the dentist office, I think it was Todd and I who felt like crying. They told us she had two cavities that needed to be fixed and then two other teeth that had some weak areas that would need to be fixed as well.

We brush her teeth and rarely let her eat candy, but I guess those precautions were not enough.

So, fixing 4 teeth will cost us $500 (that is only our portion- it is actually much higher). Do you know how many pairs of shoes Kaelin and I can buy with that money? I am in the wrong business. I need to learn how to fix teeth for a living.

1 comment:

kmuel said...

Aiden just had a filling on Tuesday because he had a cavity, poor thing, he was so loopy when he left the dentist. Prepare yourself for some silly conversations after the dentist.