Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Day of School

Kaelin's first day of school.

She is in the star class, which is very appropriate. She is my super shining star.

This is the final product on operation "curly hair". She was so super excited (even though the humidity did a real number on it as soon as she went outside).

I went up to Kaelin's school so I could get some cute 1st day of school pictures since I was not able to drop her off myself - due to a stinkin' meeting. When I got there, they were in chapel. Some parents would have been afraid if their child saw them they might cry... not my child. The only thing she said "Mom, you are not here to take me home are you?" I said "No". She said "Good because I am not done playing". So- you can see there were no tears shed- at least by Kaelin. She loves her school. (this picture cracks me up because of the girl sitting next to Kaelin- you hold up a camera and kids immediately start "cheesing" for you)

Cheese... Isn't she just the cutest thing on earth?

She is going back to her class- as a special honor, she gets to hold the teachers clip board (she is already sucking up to the teachers- Way to go Kaelin).

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Look at her outfit!! Oh my precious, I LOVE it!!! So glad she had a great day!