Saturday, September 11, 2010


So, the only homework Kaelin has come home with so far, has been for Todd and I to do... What's up with that? I thought parents were not suppose to have to do homework.

We had to make Kissing Hands... this goes along with a story about a baby raccoon who has to leave his mommy to go to school. The little raccoon is sad about leaving his mommy, but the mommy is also sad about her baby leaving. So, they came up with kissing hands. Mommy raccoon made something for her baby to look at while he was at school, so if he got sad, he would have something to remind him of his mommy. (The story goes something like that)

These are Kaelin's Kissing Hands. (But don't laugh at the picture... it was all I could find. That is our engagement picture - 11 years ago. Todd had hair, my hair was long, and neither of us had any gray... wow... 11 years and a baby makes a difference)
So, we made Kaelin some Kissing Hands. Her teachers are creating a binder for each child. Kaelin can go get her binder anytime she wants to see her Mommy and Daddy. (although... knowing Kaelin, she probably won't go get her binder too often. She does fine at schoool.

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