Friday, September 3, 2010

Night before school

Kaelin was so excited about starting school this year. I really hope that love of school continues. She wanted her hair to be curly, so she had me curl her hair on sponge rollers. (Stay tuned tomorrow for the final product)

She had to run down and show her Daddy her hair. She just knew that he would be so excited (and he pretended that it was the best news he had been told all day). She wanted her picture with Daddy. So this is Kaelin and Daddy the night before school.

Despite how excited she was, she slept amazingly well. She got up at 3:00 AM to come in my room because one of her rollers was coming loose and she wanted me to fix it. So, I fixed her roller, she crawled up in our bed, and then slept until it was time to leave.

1 comment:

kmuel said...

Oh I remember those! I would get so upset when one of them fell out during the night, mom would have to curl that piece with a curling iron in the morning.