Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Soccer Game :(

This picture just totally sums up our soccer experience...
To put it gently, FIFA is not calling to sign Kaelin for the US World Cup team...

We started out okay (but could have used a nap).

Then the other team showed up... it was all downhill from there. Kaelin spent her time away from the ball. She would run her heart out, but never get near the ball.

Kaelin got head butted by another player and that was the end of it. She totally lost it on the field. She was crying hard and loud. She ran over to Todd, who is the assistant coach. He could not calm her down, so she came to me. I could not calm her down, so she got to sit on the sideline while the rest of her team played. She finally started cheering them on. All of the parents sitting near us looked over at her. There were no tears. She was yelling "Go panthers". This was a flashback to the way she behaved in tee-ball as well. Her calling is probably in cheering rather than the actual contact sports, but we keep pushing the sports.

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