Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Eve

Yes... you are reading that title correctly. I am just getting around to posting pictures of Christmas Eve. I really needed to add "being a more prompt blogger" to my New Year's Resolution list (but being the procrastinator that I have become... that list does not even exist YET)

My two beautiful girls (and Happy 9 weeks old Macie)

Christmas Eve was spent at Mamaw's house. Aunt Debbie was reading a Christmas story. Kaelin was the angel, Trip was Joseph, and Macie got to be baby Jesus. It was so cute. Kaelin stopped in the middle of the story and said "Wait... Wait... if I am the angel I need to have my wings down (and she did a demonstration) because I am not flying". That is my deep thinker. She had probably been thinking about that for quite a while.

Kaelin just loves her cousin, Trip

This is how we found Mamaw and Macie most of the night.

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