Sunday, January 2, 2011

He Came...

Santa definitely hit our house. It actually looked like he took Toys R' Us and just dumped the whole darn store into my living room.

(Dear Santa... if you are going to be so gracious with my girls, could you please provide me with a larger house so I will have a place to store all of these goodies?)

Macie got a baby Jeep walker. She is still a little too young for it, but it won't be long before she is running over everything in site (watch out dogs). She also got some leapfrog toys.

Kaelin's load

Kaelin got the most adorable horse stable. It is made of wood, had wooden horses with soft hair, wooden people, real hay, little brooms and scoopers to clean out the barn when those horses make a mess, and horse jumps. It is probably my favorite gift. It is just too cute.

Kaelin came down stairs and was just big eyed. Santa had delivered her red balloon. (Story of the red balloon: Kaelin got a red heart balloon at her school Christmas party. She was so excited about her balloon. It was tied to a little box and she asked me to untie it for her so she could carry it... this is where things go South. So, we were outside and I began to untie the balloon. Then it got away from me. I tried to jump up and get it but it just kept going. Kaelin was just devastated. She began just bawling. So, after some quick thinking, Aunt Debbie says the balloon is going up to Santa Clause. This settles Kaelin down a little. Then she says "Mom, did you see that, I just saw a bright red shiney nose. I bet it was Rudolph. I think Rudolph got my balloon".

Todd read Santa's note to Kaelin, which included finding her red balloon. Santa returned the balloon, but this balloon had writing on it and the other one was solid red. Santa wrote in his note that he found the balloon and he and Rudolph decorated it for her. She was so excited.

Oh... a video game. Just what I have always wanted. She got the Leapster Explorer.

"Look Dad. Santa brought me a bow and ear"

Kaelin with her pink bow and ear

Aunt Debbie had the most adorable coat made for Diva Kaelin

with a matching hat

As you can see, Christmas was good to us. Todd and I made out pretty well ourselves. I got a Kindle, of which I am in love with. I have already downloaded and read several books. This is definitely my favorite gift. I got a BOB jogging stroller from PawPaw (or really Macie did but I am the one doing all of the work). I am loving my BOB. I got a new Chi iron for my hair fro Aunt Debbie, so now no more excuses for the frizzies.

Todd got a Garmin running watch (so he would quit taking mine), a new windshield for his truck (kind of boring but much needed), a new 1TB portable hard drive for his computer (again boring but needed), and many other wonderful gifts.

There is nothing left on the wish lists, we were all tremendously blessed with more than we could ever ask for.

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