Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ever had a poopie Monday???

I often dread Monday's. I have to get up early, get dressed, go to work, etc. I really like the relaxing weekends (although there is usually nothing relaxing about our weekends).

Yesterday was a true MONDAY. Everything seemed to take longer, require more effort, and result in more frustration.

Over the weekend, Kaelin began getting sick. It was turning into a sinus infection, so I decided to take her to the doctor first thing Monday morning so she could go ahead and get started on antibiotics.

About 2:30 AM Monday morning, Todd and I woke up to a loud BOOM, followed by no electricity. A transformer blew up and as of 8:00 AM, we still had no power. I dressed by candlelight and flashlight. I attempted to put on makeup by candlelight, but once I got into my car, I realized I had made a very lousy attempt at the makeup thing. I had more of a Tammy Faye Baker look going on. So I had to use baby wipes to clean up some of the makeup mess, which ended up taking off most of the makeup anyway. My hair was pulled back in a clip (which clips don't really work with short hair).

At 8:00 AM, I called Kaelin's doctor and they could not get her in until 11:10 AM. So we took my dad to the airport. We went in to my office for a little while so we could wait until her doctor's appointment. We got to the doctor's office at 11:00, but were not able to get into see the doctor until 12:20. We dropped off her prescription at 12:30 and it was finally ready for us to pick up at 2:20PM. Yes... for all of you mathematicians, that is nearly 2 hours just to get some Amoxycillian. We were not waiting for serum from some sacred tree in the rain forest, it was the most common antibiotic prescribed to children. FRUSTRATION.

I ended up taking the entire day off of work and I was really glad I did because it took all day to accomplish small tasks.

The #2 big story of my day occurred on the way back from the airport. This was one of those stories I saved for the dinner table, since Todd just LOVES my dinner conversation. I told the story to him earlier in the day, but I saved it for Aunt Debbie and Uncle Truman until dinner time. They enjoy my gross conversations, in fact, Uncle Truman will usually try to top my gross story with another gross story. This is just part of a diet plan I am working on. If I gross you out bad enough, you will lose your appetite.

On the way back to the airport, Kaelin and I were driving down the highway. We were following a truck with a trailer. On the trailer was a Port-O-Potty. I did not think much about it until I kept getting hit by, what I thought was, mud. I continued driving. I am now having to use the water spray and my windshield wipers to try to get the "mud" off of my windshield. It finally occurred to me (slow on the thinking because it was Monday)... this was not mud... it was coming out of the Port-O-Potty. So, I quickly changed lanes, still using my windshield wipers and the water to try to clean my windshield. I pulled into my office parking lot, got out of my car and it looked as though my car had been paint balled with poop. It was truly the most disgusting thing I think I have endured in quite awhile.

When Kaelin and I came out of the pharmacy, I smelled something that had a sewer smell and the closer we got to my car, the stronger the smell got. Again, me being a little slow on the thinking since it was a Monday, I realize that smell is my car. It was like driving a Port-O-Potty on wheels. Kaelin and I go to the nearest drive-thru car wash because there was NO way I was going to spray, scrub, or come near the fecal material (that belonged to who knows) all over my car. I paid the extra money for the dirty dog car wash. This was suppose to be the mother of all car washes. It was suppose to scrub, spray, wash, re-wash, wax, rinse, and dry my car... all for $10. It did do a good job and 99% of the "mud" look is gone from my car. I am thinking another $10 will get the rest of it cleaned. Because I am just not getting near it until everything is off.

So, that was my Monday. It was just an all around poopie day.

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