Saturday, May 15, 2010

Beginning of the birthday weekend

Since Kaelin's birthday is on Sunday, we started celebrating on Friday. (Poor girl is so confused as to when she actually turns 4 because we have been celebrating for days).

Friday... Kaelin's school was having Carnival Day (I told her it was her birthday celebration). I took off work to work the carnival and have a birthday celebration at Kaelin's school.

It started out with Kaelin's teachers making her a birthday princess crown (which Kaelin thought was just SUPER COOL).

Then we headed to chapel, where the entire room sang Happy Birthday to Kaelin (as loud as they could sing). Kaelin was really in her element. She was on a stage with everyone singing to her.

After chapel, the carnival began. I ran the snow cone booth, so I did not get to see Kaelin play all of the games, but Todd showed up just in time to take her around to the different booths. (Kaelin enjoyed my snow cone booth more than any of the other booths- she enjoyed 3 snow cones and cotton candy... can we say SUGAR HIGH).

Playing some kind of carnival game with her friend, Trista.

I am not sure why she has such a frown on her face.

Making a paint picture (but not sure what happened to the picture. It did not come home with us).

Snow cones (number 3) with her friend Bryson.

When the kids were done at the carnival, they went back to the classroom and we celebrated Kaelin's birthday. It was great.

We had a cookie cake (to go on top of the sugary snow cones and cotton candy). Those kids probably drove their parents nuts the rest of the day.

Kaelin's class sang Happy Birthday to Kaelin (again). Then we ate cake.

Addison came to Kaelin's room and helped me pass out cake, then she came home with us.

**** If you are wondering about the adorable birthday outfit, my extremely talented friend, Lisa, made it for Kaelin****

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