Friday, April 24, 2009

When you really should not laugh

A couple of things happened tonight that made me laugh when I really should not have laughed. You know the things I am talking about. When a child does something they really should not be doing or the way they do it is just too darn funny to contain yourself.
1. Kaelin was on the couch and Todd thought she petting his head... but that was not at all what she was doing. Little Miss Priss had chapstick out and was wiping it all in Todd's hair. (I am laughing right now just trying to type this). She was just too darn funny that I had to just laugh out loud. Shame on me... Todd was so made when he realized what she was doing. He had chapstick all over his hair. That has to be hard to wash out.

and for my second funny moment (remember... I am sleep deprived from working on the testing at work, so funny to me may not really be funny at all)

2. Todd took Kaelin upstairs to get her pajamas on. He got her a pair of pajama bottoms, but the top that goes to them was dirty. So he just got another pajama top. Sounds like now big deal... right? Not to Kaelin. He just shook the fashion diva's world. He truly thought she was going to sleep in something that did not match. We know that is not going to happen (and it didn't). I heard Kaelin crying upstairs, but I could not hear what was going on. She finally came running down the stairs just crying hysterically (real tears). She said "Mom, look at me, I don't match" (and she didn't) "I can't sleep like this". I started laughing... shame on me. Now Kaelin thought I was laughing at her (and I was) which made her cry even more. So now, through my own tears from laughing so hard, I had to explain to her that I would go upstairs with her and we would find some pajamas that matched. She finally stopped crying... I stopped laughing... and we are now off to get some matching pajamas so she does not have to go to sleep not being fashionably coordinated. Have I created a monster? (Rhetorical question, so no answer needed).

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