Friday, November 20, 2009

Background information:
Last night Kaelin started running 101 fever and was still running over 100 this morning and has an awful cough. So, I had to take the day off and get her to the doctor. The doctor found out that Kaelin had the beginnings of pneumonia. She went to the doctor about a month ago for a sinus infection. She took 10 days worth of antibiotics, but evidently there was still some junk left. Her doctor said she had some antibiotic resistant bacteria that had built up in her chest and was forming into pneumonia.

Taking the day off of work: used a sick day
Doctor visit: so expensive they would not even give me the bill, they said they would send it to the insurance company first.
X-Rays of her chest: again too expensive. They will surprise me later.
Radiologist reading the X-ray: Again... we will surprise you later.
Pedialyte popsicles: $6.00
Children's Tylenol: $4.00
Cost of lunch while we waited for the presciptions to be filled: $33.00
Prescription for an antibiotic: $12.00
Prescription for Nasanex: $80.00 (yes that is American dollars not European)

My baby feeling better: Priceless

Yes, she is beginning to feel better (if bouncing off of the walls is a sign of feeling better). She still has not eaten anything significant in two days (she does not get that from her Mom- no matter how yucky I feel), but she is drinking lots of liquid.

So, we are battling a little illness, but nothing that an astronomical insurance deductible won't cure.

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