Sunday, November 15, 2009


We just got home from running in the San Antonio marathon.

I am trying hard to find a bone or muscle in my body that is not screaming in pain. I am sure there must be one, but I have not found it yet.

I was ready (and could have been) for bed at 6:00 this evening.

This is not my first (and most likely not my last) race, but man... I am wiped out.
I keep thinking how my 26.2 miles is really going to look in January. Today we (only) ran the 1/2 marathon and there is a HUGE difference in 13.1 and 26.2.

Todd did really good (of course). I, on the other hand, had difficulty after mile 9. I finished, but was about 8 minutes slower than my goal. Which is not promising for my January marathon.

Kaelin had an absolute blast this weekend. She loves hotels (and this one had an indoor pool). She was such a trooper. She got up early this morning and watched us start the race. She will definitely be a marathon crazy person like her mom and dad. She was dying to run this morning. So, before my run, I ran with Kaelin for about 1/2 mile. That was just what I needed today... to add an extra 1/2 mile of running. Oh well... it was worth it. She had a blast.

I had a group of girls that ran with me today. Lisa and I had matching outfits. Our motto is... if your running doesn't look good, there is not reason you should not. So, we go the extra mile to make sure we have extra cute outfits (and bows in our hair). Even Kaelin got a little jealous with the bows in our hair.

(If it looks like there is something on my face... there is... it is a rub on tatoo of a girl running with 13.1 written below.)

If I find the bone or muscle in my body that is not screaming in agony, I will be sure to blog about it.

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