Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

We are all trick or treated out this morning.

But, the extra hour of sleep has been nice and needed.

We did not trick or treat our neighborhood because we had an event to attend on Kaelin's social calendar. We had a Halloween party that was a lot of fun.

For the first time that I can remember, Todd dressed up. I will dress up for anything at anytime, but Todd is a little more reserved. So it was fun to get everyone to dress up.

Kaelin, of course, was the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. She made her dad proud. It also gave him a conversation starter to begin talking football with all the other dads. As soon as someone would see her, the conversation would quickly turn to something like... "Did you see that Romo last week?" and "If I was Jerry Jones..." and "They have the potential to be a good team, but..."

Todd was a hippie. He had hair (for the first time in months) and it drove him absolutely crazy. He had to borrow a rubber band from me, so he could pull it away from his face.

I was a gypsy fortune teller. So, at the party, I had a crystal ball setup at a table and I would tell all the kids their fortune. I told them fortunes like "you will obey your mommy and daddy", "if you eat too much candy, you will get a tummy ache" and "you will do something fun tomorrow."

Before the party, we trick or treated Aunt Debbie's house. Kaelin's cousin, Trip, came over and we got to help him put the finishing touches on his costume. He was a vampire. It was good that Kaelin got to see him with no makeup on his face, then she got to watch me put it on. She might not have been to receptive of him if he had shown up with his face already done. She is not a fan of anything scary, creepy, spooky, or haunted. So, with her watching and helping paint his face, it was not so scary to her.

This was Kaelin's costume last year. She was a scary pink pirate. I thought I would let you see what she was last year.

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