Saturday, August 28, 2010

Baby Shower

Last Saturday, Aunt Debbie and Mamaw threw Macie a very beautiful shower. We had several great friends and family show up. Everything was absolutely wonderful. We are truly surrounded by people that love us and that we love. We are so blessed.

Kaelin really had a blast. In fact, she wore herself completely out. She took a 3 hour nap when she got home. She is such a cute little hostess.

These are the yummy cupcakes (that I won't tell you how many I ate)

These are the delicious cookies (again... I won't tell you how many I ate). So, we really did have more than just cupcakes and cookies (at least other people ate more than that). We also had my favorite punch, that I drink until I get sick. We had two different kinds of quiche and fruit. But the only thing I seemed to get a picture of where the cupcakes and cookies- you can totally see where my priorities were.

Kaelin opened all of the presents, after all, she is convinced Macie is her baby. Poor Macie, she does not know what she is in for. I am sure I will find her in the baby doll stroller, baby doll carrier, and baby doll bed.

This is Macie and Kaelin's first matching outfit. I am all about matching outfits. Todd said "since we are having another girl, we should probably be set on clothes since we still have most of Kaelin's clothes"... My response "yes, but they are not matching outfits, so I should just probably buy new ones for each of the girls".

A picture frame that says "Sisters"... aaahhhh

Kaelin still opening up presents and loving every minute of it.

Kaelin had to get her picture made with every single item in every present. Here is a pacifier.

Here is a teether... (get my drift... every item in every bag)

Kaelin said "Oh... this one is big, I better stand on the table so I can get everything out of it"

After presents, my little hostess went and put on an apron, then walked around to everyone and took their order: cupcake or cookie. She had a little pad that she was writing on- the problem is, she can't write, so I don't exactly know how she knew what to bring each person.

Besides the cake balls, I also had little bags of pink M&M's to give out as Thank You's. I ordered some adorable little stickers with Macie's name on them and "Thanks for coming!".

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