Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Man's best friend...

Let me introduce you to our 3 lovable dogs. I have not figured out why they are supposedly called "Man's Best Friend". These three are very high maintenance pets (or at least the two little ones).

This is Britni- She is a 6 year old Shih-Tzu. She is our more well-behaved Shih-Tzu. She is not the smartest dog in the world. Little things confuse her like, a mirror (that drives her absolutely crazy), her tail (that is entertainment for hours), and her squeaky toys. She is so funny, she tries to sneak up on her squeaky toys, but they still squeak when she touches them. It just blows her mind every time.

This is Moe. He is a two year old Shih-Tzu. His name is Moe because he had two brothers that were named Larry and Curly. We kept the name because it really fits him. I say he is named Moe because the last thing we needed around our house was "one Moe dog". He is a hyper little mess. He is very jealous of you showing attention to anything other than him (Kaelin, Britni, Cassie, etc.). He has to be right up in the middle of everything that is going on. He gets on the coffee table in the living room to watch TV. I guess he gets a better view from the table.

This is Cassie. She is about to turn 10 in November. She is a lab-retriever (that only retrieves toys or tennis balls). She has gone to doggy school to learn to be a hunter. She has been to obedience training (that does not show very often). After all the money spent on her becoming Todd's "hunting" dog, we find out she is scared of any kind of loud noises. She goes absolutely nuts around the 4th of July and New Years Eve. She hates fireworks. So, you can see that the quest of having a good hunting companion has not worked out so well. Cassie has started staying in the house because of the incredible hot weather we have been having (before that it was the incredibly wet weather and before that it was the incredibly cold weather). So, I guess you can tell we have another house dog (that should be outside).

Why the "best friends" are just not measuring up to my real life best friends?

Moe drama-
My real best friends don't try to hump my leg (Moe). Yes, he is going to the vet for a special little procedure that should help out with this problem he has. But we have to get him over his pulled muscles. Moe strained some muscles in his abdomen (probably trying to hump Cassie's shoulder again). After many tests at the vet and x-rays, they have determined it is a pulled muscle. So, $115 later and some anti-inflammatory medicine we are trying to get him better so he will quite peeing on himself. According to the doctor, he can't get himself "into position" to go to the bathroom, so it just kind of drips out all day long. Yes, this is so disgusting, which is why he has been banished to the tile floor in the kitchen for the last week. My best friends don't pee on my kitchen floor either.

Britni drama-
Lately Britni has been healthier that she has ever been. She is a very picky eater and will starve herself if the food is not in her own bowl or if she does not like the taste of it. So, we have to feed her a special pack of Little Champions every other night, just to get her to eat the dry dog food. She is very high maintenance. Last fall, she spent 4 days in the doggy ICU. She had an infection somewhere in her body. They could not figure out where it was, but she almost died. They had to hook her up to an IV for liquid and a strong antibiotic. Kaelin and I would go visit her everyday and we had to hand feed her homemade chicken and rice just to get her eating solid foods. As you can tell, she is spoiled and VERY High Maintenance, along with being the most-air headed dog in town. My real life best friends are not this picky, but many of them are this High Maintenance.

Cassie drama-
Typically a pretty good dog until she sees a trash can or trash bag around. She is one of those dogs that is addicted to trash (any one's trash). She will consume not only the food products, but the paper and plastic as well. She is quite the green dog when it comes to recycling. She makes the worst hunting dog in the world, she passes gas like an old man, and she sheds furiously. My real-life best friends (even the hoarders) would never eat out of my trash nor do they pass gas in public (at least I hope not).

Yes, we love our pets, but they truly are like having additional family members living with you. They each come with their own drama and hangups that just cause us all grief, but at the end of the day, we still love them.

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