Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dentist Update

So, yesterday, I had to take Kaelin to the dentist for her first cavity filling appointment (one of two appointments). I really should have taken my camera because she was an incredibly brave little girl (in an absolutely adorable outfit).

We arrived and I could tell she was getting very nervous. She kept asking about 1000 questions, which told me that her anxiety was increasing. We went back to the room and she began just acting totally silly. She would fall out of the chair, slide on the floor, etc. She was doing anything she could to keep the dental hygienist at bay. Finally we got her up in the seat, they brought her a teddy bear, and began going through the process of what was about to happen.


Kaelin told me she wanted me to stay in there and hold her hand....

The sweet little dental hygienist kindly broke the news to Kaelin and I that I was not going to be allowed to stay back in the room due to "my current condition". The gases would be bad for the baby.

Yikes.... we were not prepared for this. I had already promised Kaelin that I would hold her hand and be there with her the entire time. There was no time to get Todd on the phone and for him to arrive before they started. They put the pink nose thing on her, to begin with the nitrous oxide (or however you spell it).

So, Kaelin and I both put on our "big girl panties" and dealt with it. I went into the waiting room. I heard her start screaming. By the time I got back there, they had her settled back down, so I did not interrupt. I just went back to the waiting room with big 'ole tears in my eyes.

Shortly after that, they came out to tell me that she was done and was just breathing the fresh oxygen for a little while.

She had done great, they gave her some prizes and sent us home. Her mouth was numb for a couple of hours and it was quite humorous to hear her talk about it. She told Todd "Daddy, I have a piece of numb in my mouth". I guess she thought it was a tangible item. It was pretty cute.

Todd has scheduled himself to be at the next appointment in two weeks, that will ease her mind (and mine).

But... after all was said and done (and a Chick Fil-A chocolate milkshake), it went great.

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