Friday, December 24, 2010

2 months old

We did not have the heart to wake her up to see her cupcakes.

Kaelin went to Aunt Debbie's house and helped make Macie some cupcakes for her two month old birthday party.

Macie had to go to the doctor for her two month check up. The appointment went pretty good minus the 5 shots she had to get.

She weighed 10.0 lbs (which is just below the 25 percentile)

She was 22 7/8 inches long (in the 75th percentile)

She is wearing 3 month clothes, sleeping all night and loving it, and laughing and smiling constantly.

Macie's doctor finally diagnosed her with acid reflux, which we had suspected for awhile. Kaelin had acid reflux when she was a baby and Macie was showing the same signs. After she would eat, she would arch her back and throw herself around. These are just a few of the symptoms that Macie was showing. This is part of the reason for the slow down in weight. She had stopped eating like she should because of the pain she was in after she ate (poor baby). So, the doctor prescribed Zantac. The really good medicine is Prevacid, but because of ridiculous insurance regulations, they make you go through Zantac first then you can be blessed with Prevacid. Isn't that just the craziest thing you have ever heard....

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