Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Party Recap

We had our annual Christmas Party Saturday night. It was incredible. We had some great friends over, delicious food, the REAL Santa Clause, and lots of fun.

Todd and I really enjoyed the Christmas Party we had last year, so we decided to do a repeat. My theme this year was "Wild and Crazy" because I could not describe our past year (7 weeks) any better. We made 3 kinds of chili: our friend Terry made his famous chili that is made with a stew meat, Todd made a chili with ground beef that was served with fritos (frito pie) or on top of hot dogs (chili dogs), and I made a chicken chili (which I LOVE and will post the recipe soon).

We asked all of the parents to bring their child a gift (and sneak it into Santa's bag). We also adopted a needy family and asked all of the kids to bring things for the needy family. All of those gifts went under the Christmas tree. (I will do a seperate post on the family and the wonderful Christmas that our friends helped us give them).

Santa was amazing. After he was attacked by all of the kids in the yard (some of them even attacked him as he was getting out of his vehicle and trying to put on his Santa suit) he came in and really entertained the kids. He had them singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, told them a story about his keys, and then showed them the magic key that he uses to open doors when there is no chimney.

Hello Santa... I have been very good. I promise.

Santa explaining all of his keys (one for his house, one for his sleigh, one for the toy shop, and one for the reindeer barn). Then he had a magic key for opening houses with no chimneys or in case there is a fire in the chimney. Who knew Santa had so many keys????

Kaelin was just mesmerized with Santa. She could probably sit there all night listening to him and asking 1000 questions.

Kaelin was telling Santa her Christmas wish list and I think she gave him a list of about 100 things. I am quite sure he won't be filling all of her list.

My two favorite girls sitting with Santa.

This is where Macie spent the majority of the night- in Mamaw's arms. I don't think either of them were complaining.

When Macie wasn't in Mamaw's lap, she spent her time with Pawpaw.
Santa and Trip just chillin' North Pole style.

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