Monday, December 20, 2010

Kaelin's Christmas List

Dear Santa...

I have been very good this year (mom and dad would like a definition of what qualifies as good).

For Christmas this year, I would like...

a sleigh for her baby dolls to ride in (this is a new request and it will not be making the cut)

a bell to ring in her room when she needs me (yes we are now resorting to me being their servant at their beckon call... this will definitely not happen)

a bow and ear (this is more commonly known as a bow and arrow)- Todd is brain washing my baby. I have teased (not really teased because I am serious) about buying her a bow for her hair because that is the only bow I know.

a hand held video game (omg... we have already reached this age where video games have become a request on the Santa list- it will be an educational Leapfrog Explorer with educational games- I am not going to let her corrupt her mind at such a young age... that is to be saved for her teenage years)

a little bicycle for Aunt Debbie's house

a Barbie animal vet center (this keeps making the Christmas list, but it is a really big toy and we are OUT of room at our house- so we are looking for a bigger house, but in the mean time, I am trying to get out of buying this toy)

The list has been pretty mild, which must mean she is spoiled rotten and has everythimg a 4 year old could ever want or need.

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