Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pajama Day

Last Tuesday, Kaelin had pajama day at school. They watched to Polar Express, ate cookies and drank hot chocolate.

Kaelin loved it.

MOTY moment: (Mom of the year)

When I dropped Kaelin off at school, her teacher asked if she had any other shoes. (Kaelin was wearing her super cute Santa Clause slippers.) I told the teacher that was all I sent her. The teacher informs me that they were going to go play on the playground. So, I have to hurry to store and pick up Kaelin a pair of tennis shoes. I also forgot to send her a jacket (who does that... it was about 40 degrees outside).

There are always notes and flyers in her folder that discuss upcoming events. Since we were in Austin the week before, we missed all of the communication (this is my defense). There was a flyer talking about the pajama day. In big BOLD letters, it says "No Slippers". (Uh Oh...) Then the next flyer says Brrrr... and discusses making sure you send a jacket with your child every day. (Uh Oh...)

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