Saturday, December 4, 2010

Crazy on a whole new level

If you are wondering why I have not posted anything lately... we (Kaelin, Macie, and I) have been in Austin. I had to go to Austin for a business trip.

If you are saying "I thought you weren't suppose to return to work until January"... you are correct, but duty calls. I had a conference that was a "must" for my job. So, as a compromise, my girls went with me (along with Aunt Debbie and Uncle Truman).

What was I thinking... (that I can't be away from my kids and that my youngest needs to eat and what a dull week if I could not be with my babies)

This week proved to be the week of all weeks. I am exhausted just trying to type a recap.

Along with 9 hour days spent in back to back training and being a presenter at one of the sessions, we got to spend one of the days in the Dell Children's Hospital. Now before you get all worried, everything is okay. Macie just gave us a little (a big) scare.

This is how the whole thing went down... (involves some boob talk, so skip to the end because some of it really is TMI -too much information)

I will give the story from the beginning (keep in mind it has only been 6 weeks). About a week after getting released from the hospital, I started running fever and could not get it to break. This was not just a little fever, it was staying around 104 (that is the scary range). The fever was taking absolutely everything out of me (which is hard to admit because I never own up to defeat). Several calls to the doctor, three different prescriptions, and a threat of returning to the hospital, they concluded that I had mastitis (google it if you don't know what it is).

The doctor prescribes an antibiotic for the mastitis. Good for the infection (bad for a breast fed baby). The antibiotic gets rid of the antibodies (even the good ones). This causes Macie to get Thrush (yeast infection of the mouth), which is pretty painful. So, when Macie eats... this causes me to get Thrush (as if mastitis is not enough). Macie's doctor prescribes an anti-fungal medicine for her and an anti-fungal cream for me. (Yes... we are up to 5 prescriptions for those counting).

We are into week 4 of Thrush and it is still not looking good on the home front. Macie's mouth will clear up for a day and then it starts looking bad again. We are passing the thrush back and forth. It is a very vicious cycle. Feeding Macie had become EXTREMELY painful from all of the cracks, cuts, and bleeding (again TMI, but it leads to the end of the story).

So, we are in Austin (3 hours from home). I wake up (if you call 3 hours of sleep a good nights sleep). I feed Macie, get dressed for my confernce, go to my first session, and then I get a text saying "to call now". So, I call Aunt Debbie and she informs me that Macie has just thrown up blood.

WOW... scary. So, I go up to the room, assess the situation, call Todd for help, and then call our nurses line with our insurance. They tell me to take Macie to the emergency room due to her age. So, off to Dell Children's Hospital we go. Five hours later we walk out with a few answers. Due to the Thrush (in Macie's mouth and on my chest), the cuts have caused Macie to ingest blood rather than milk. Since blood doesn't really digest, it just comes back up (and scares the hell out of you).

Solution... time (and an assortment of medicine) will heal all wounds. I went to Target, bought Macie some formula to help fill her tummy and relieve some of the demands that she has on me (her 24 hour vending machine).

3 days later... we are all doing much better. Macie's mouth is looking better (not perfect), cuts are healing (not perfect), and the fussiness is easing (mine and Macie's).

We both have doctors appointments on Monday (probably for more prescriptions).

The past 6 weeks have been overly busy and overly exhausting. Saving all of my Christmas shopping until Christmas Eve could not even come close to stressing me out as much as the past 6 weeks. We are all heading uphill which is beginning to feel like winning the lottery.

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