Sunday, September 20, 2009

Going to Louise's House

You may be asking "Who is Louise?"

I am asking myself the same question. Louise is a friend of Kaelins. No I don't know Louise. No I have never seen Louise. No I have not spoken to Louise's parents. But somehow, my daughter was allowed to go to Louise's house today.


We were having lunch at Aunt Debbie's house today. While we were eating, Kaelin went into Aunt Debbie's closet and drug out every bag in the closet. She filled each of the bags with "treasures". When we caught her, she said she was packing to go to Louise's house.

I asked her "Who is Louise?" she responded "My friend".

I asked "Where does Louise live?". Kaelin said "She lives in Baytown."

I asked "How are you going to get to Louise's house?" She said "I am going to ride the bus."

So here is a list of the goodies I found in Kaelin's bag and an explanation of why she needed to take this to Louise's house:

There were about 6 bags (each containing stuff)

Books in at least 3 of the bags- "so Louise and I can read"

Dog toys (lots of dog toys)- "Louise has a dog that wants to play too"

A pull up diaper- "Well, for you know, just in case"

2 Coasters- "For our drinks"

A pencil (same as below)

A pad of paper- "So we can write stuff"

Napkins- "For our messes"

A bottle of water- "In case we get thirsty"

So, now you know who Louise is. She is Kaelin's imaginary friend. But don't tell Kaelin that Louise is imaginary. I think she truly believes she will actually be going over to Louise's house one day.

Another funny... Todd took Kaelin upstairs to watch cartoons because of course Todd is convinced that the downstairs TV can only play football on Sundays (and Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays and Fridays and of course Saturdays).

He asked Kaelin if she would rather watch cartoons or drag racing? She said drag racing.

This is just one more piece of evidence to support my "redneck gene" theory. In case you don't remember, I believe that redneck behavior is due to genetics not a learned behavior.

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