Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Who is screaming....

I am... again...

At 4:30 this afternoon, I got a phone call from the lady Kaelin has been staying with. Her phone call was to talk to me about finding someone to keep Kaelin on the days that are not school days. School days are only Monday and Wednesday. There was a whole list of reasons for not being able to keep Kaelin. It was nothing to do with Kaelin, so I won't really elaborate on them.

So I am left screaming.

I mean seriously... Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday... and it is almost October. So, you know all of the reputable places for her to stay are COMPLETELY FULL. I am about to just pull my hair out... but I have gotten it cut so short that there is just not that much to be able to afford to pull any out.

I feel like I am back in the middle of July when I was trying to find a place for Kaelin to stay once she had her melt down about changing schools. The only difference between now and July is, I am back at work and not getting to lounge in the pool all day. But the stress level is the same if not greater.

What am I going to do????? Who the heck knows!!!!

Why is it that I would love nothing more than being able to stay home and take care of my wonderful princess, but am having such a hard time finding someone else to keep her? No, she is in NO WAY a difficult child. She is so caring, so sensitive, so helpful, and always a delight and joy to be around. (No, I am not just saying that because I am her mom... although I am pretty biased).

So, after the screaming has subsided, I will begin calling a couple of places that might still have some openings. Yes... it will involve Kaelin having to change schools and quit her dance classes, but that is just something we will have put on hold for now. Kaelin's dance class starts at 3:00 on Thursdays and there is just no way to make that work with mine or Todd's schedule.

She is going to be upset, but she is such an easy going child that I know she will adjust and we might be able to find another place to take dance with hours that are a little more accommodating with my schedule.

I know everything will work out and it will probably be better than I can imagine, but FOR GOODNESS SAKES I AM TIRED OF TRYING TO COME UP WITH NEW SOLUTIONS!!! I am not willing to sacrifice for "what is available", so this might become quite a chore.

I think my first task is going to involve buying a lottery ticket and see if I have better luck with that.

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