Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our Day of Rest...HaHaHa

God must have such a great sense of humor. I mean calling Sunday "the day of rest". No matter how hard I try, rest seems to be so far fetched every Sunday.

Here is a quick run down of "My Day of Rest"

I got up at 5:00 AM to go meet my friends to run about 9 miles. Just as I was getting ready to head out the door, I heard Kaelin crying. Kaelin had come into my room at 5:15 AM while I was getting my running clothes on. So, she was laying in my bed. I decided to go upstairs and check on her. Todd had the lights on and was wiping something up. The closer I got, I could see we had a big problem on our hands. Kaelin had thrown up all over the bed. So, I helped strip the bed, clean up Kaelin and change her pajamas.

Just as I finished that, she started throwing up again. I cleaned her up again. Then I went downstairs to send my friends a text saying I would not make it to go run today. Then I went upstairs and laid in Kaelin's bed with her. We both went back to sleep for about 1 hour. We got up and Kaelin threw up one more time, then she got to feeling better.

(Here is where bad parenting decisions were added to the mix...)

We had eaten Mexican food the night before and it definitely looked like Kaelin had tossed all of her enchiladas. So, in my mind, I thought she probably had gotten some type of food poisoning because she was feeling so much better. So, I decided to take her to church. She was wanting to go to church and since I had chalked it up to food poisoning, we left for church. Today was the grand opening of our new church, so I wanted to go, but probably should have stayed home.

Kaelin did pretty good at church, but she had very little energy and was very pale. Still, in my mind, this was related to her morning spent with her head in the toilet. I worked in Kaelin's Sunday school class, so I would be close by if she got to feeling bad and needed to go home.

Kaelin and I left church and headed to the grocery store.

On our way home, I got a text from my friend Tara (the girl that Kaelin stays with during the week). Tara was going to have a little get together at her house this afternoon but she was having to cancel due to A STOMACH VIRUS. I read the text and said "Holy guacamole" (since it is Sunday, I kept the swearing to a minimal). It all became a reality. Kaelin had a stomach virus, that was obviously contagious, and I had just taken her to church with a ton of little kids (since it was the grand opening, it was packed), then we went to the grocery store where it was almost as crowded as the day before Thanksgiving.

So here is my apology...

Dear very concerned parents with better parenting skills than me,

I am truly sorry for my poor parenting choices. I do realize that most parents don't like to have their children exposed to contagious viruses and would really prefer that parents keep their children at home if they are throwing up before church. I apologize for the loss of sleep you will endure while getting up in the middle of the night to tend to your throwing up child. I apologize for the tremendous amount of laundry you are going to do while washing all of the sheets, blankets, towels, and pajamas you are having to try to clean the throw up out of. I apologize for you having to take call in sick at work.

In the future, I promise to not try and persuade myself and those around me that my child is perfectly healthy even though she had thrown up everything from her toenails up. I will also think twice before chalking up throw up to food poisoning when the food that was consumed were cheese enchiladas, which have nothing that would typically be contaminated. I also realize that having no fever does not equal not contagious.

So, I promise to make wiser choices in the future.

Mom of the Year

So, after we got home (with two stops on the side of the road to try and throw up), Kaelin ran into the bathroom and threw up again. Then she was feeling great. She was finally hungry. I let her eat a little lunch then I showed her the Dallas Cowboy cheerleader outfit I got her. That put a spark back in her step. She all of the sudden acted as though she had not thrown up at all. The Dallas Cowboy's costume is actually her Halloween costume, but seeing how today was opening day for the Dallas Cowboys, it only seemed appropriated to let her wear her costume.

Say "cheese enchiladas"...

The only thing missing (beside shoes) is a big bow. This won't happen again. Stay tuned for an update on the bow. You can bet it will be the biggest bow I can find. Doesn't this outfit just scream for a big bow.

*** Here is my side note on the costume. I ordered it from the Dallas Cowboys website . When I looked online, the costume looked really cute, but did not look like it had an open midriff. When the package came in, I opened that and thought "Oh my, my child is going to look like a stripper". Although she does not look like a stripper, I will still be buying a white leotard for her to wear underneath the costume, especially when she wears her costume to her school (at the Baptist church).

So, Happy Day of Rest to everyone!!!

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